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Hmm. Living standards have gone down since brexit. Wages have risen less than costs.

Bit of an own goal filly. Silly
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SirGalahad I pop now and then so to see peeps pop posts up. You seem to make up more posts of 5hite (That we can see every day in the news, We don't need you repeating it? I did vote leave, I do regret it, but it is bygones. We have BBC news, we have local, Can we not read? My font has gone weird. Sorry, Drunk yet again. Galahad, get a fkn life idjut, That is all, Sorry all. Dan x

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Top Tip: If leave voters can't stand the pain of being reminded how utterly shít Brexit is, stay out of the thread.(y)
Cheers Mitch, I'm not alone..
There's a little gang who post incessantly about Brexit. Day in, day out. Telling people to "take responsibility", "admit they were wrong" and that "Brexit is shoite". It's an obsession. Most normal people have all but forgotten Brexit. Most have moved on. Sadly, it seems all some folk have in their life, is a desperate desire to be "Right on the internet". Be happy, change what you can, accept what you can't.
Most normal people have all but forgotten Brexit

Its on news pages/press/TV news EVERY SINGLE DAY, ***************************. The garbage that is Brexit, rises and sets with the UK sun. Perhaps you don't live in the UK?

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Its on news pages/press/TV news EVERY SINGLE DAY, boyo. The garbage that is Brexit rises and sets with the UK sun. Perhaps you don't live in the UK?

Forgotten my arse.
Your obsessed with it. You can't change it. Let it go. If it's hurt you that much why not put your energy into improving other areas of your life. Concentrate on things you can change. Positive stuff instead of just negative rants.
Your obsessed with it. You can't change it. Let it go. If it's hurt you that much why not put your energy into improving other areas of your life. Concentrate on things you can change. Positive stuff instead of just negative rants.
I'm ok thanks, I can multi task. :)

Forgotten my arse.
I'm not moaning, It's just my understanding of the 'repercussions' weren't made clear. 'get them immigrants out and save our jobs' was then mentality at the time. Stuck up in Grimsby, I did not speak Polish, No agency was interested. That's the only selfish reason I voted leave, I'm not racist, I hate everyone. But there you go. Tail between my arse and lived in the Salvation army and YMCA before i dumped everything to make a new start. Since covid, they fked off back home and now they don'y have enough workers in fields.

With all the dinghy divers. let them work the fields. I'm sure we can all work together and sort this 5hite out.
There's a little gang who post incessantly about Brexit. Day in, day out. Telling people to "take responsibility", "admit they were wrong" and that "Brexit is shoite". It's an obsession. Most normal people have all but forgotten Brexit. Most have moved on. Sadly, it seems all some folk have in their life, is a desperate desire to be "Right on the internet". Be happy, change what you can, accept what you can't.
That's rubbish.
Just explain the benefits and it will prove your point. If you can't, it also proves the point
Its on news pages/press/TV news EVERY SINGLE DAY, boyo. The garbage that is Brexit, rises and sets with the UK sun. Perhaps you don't live in the UK?

Forgotten my arse.
I've just looked on BBC, ITV and Sky, *************************** and there's no mention of it. Got any links to some of those pages/press/TV news articles you mention?
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