
26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
I have been waiting for news of the fortunes ( or not ) which may come out of the delayed election results.

Certainly all the UK papers seem to be speculating that Mugabe is about to step down and ( my words ) perhaps seek asylum in another country.

There are strong indications that significant news is going to be released today, Wednesday.

I had a long chat with a friend in Zim this morning. She says they have electricity most of the time apart from three four hour breaks each week. They now have water allmost all the time and the shops have some food although its expensive. For the last few weeks before the elections the electricity, water and food problems have greatly improved!

Her 17 y.o. daughter drives the four miles to her Convent school in her own four year old car !!! Do many sixth form kids drive to school in the UK?

If a new regime succeeds to take control then I wonder just how long it will take to get the country under control? I could see massive improvements within a few weeks with the country returning to the Commonwealth and receiving significant grant aid from the west. The stalled tourist industry could be quickly reinstated to give a boost to foreign exchange and foreign companies could establish manufacturing plants to take advantage of the 80% unemployment.

They could even invite back white farmers???

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They could even invite back white farmers???
I hope not, this is how it all started,the white man having the best farmland, hopefully lessons will be learnt, many of the white farmers are now living in Australia, the Australians welcomed them in, almost begged them to come in, whilst at the same time expressed concern about the arrival of boat people from indonesia, depicting and treating them as a threat many being abandoned on sandbars off the australian coast.
From Bread basket of Africa to Basket case of Africa, FFS, these people need to be fed and educated. South Africa going the same way. BTW, I'm am not in the slightest bit racist, would just like to see these people be able to fend for themselves.
Zambia was very forward sighted and invited the white farmers displaced from Zim to come and farm in their country on free 99 year leases with a grant to buy farm machinery.

Even a Nigerian chief invited a few Zim farmers to come to Nigeria. One of them was asked by the BBC reporter " How do you think you will get on with Africans in Nigeria?" The farmer paused and then said "Well I was born in Africa and I have never farmed anywhere else!"

A black South African was asked how SA could move forward, he replied that he would like to see more blacks in farming. The reporter asked if the white farmers should be sent away. He quickly replied that they should definately not make that mistake!!!

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They could even invite back white farmers???
I hope not, this is how it all started,the white man having the best farmland, hopefully lessons will be learnt, many of the white farmers are now living in Australia, the Australians welcomed them in, almost begged them to come in, whilst at the same time expressed concern about the arrival of boat people from indonesia, depicting and treating them as a threat many being abandoned on sandbars off the australian coast.

Their country, they can invite in who they want and they can also refuse who they want as well.