Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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If you have ten jews, and you kill two, how many jews do you have left to kill?

but to return to reality,

if you have half a million Palestinians, and it takes you three months to kill thirty thousand, half of them children, how long will it take you dispose of the survivors?

will destroying the hospitals, farms and houses, and cutting off food, fuel and water, speed it up?
It turns out that there are often shooting incidents when Gazans try to get food at that collection point.

Which explains some of the rushing to the truck, Israeli soldiers shoot people no matter how they behave so you move as quickly as you can to reduce the time they might kill you.
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Thank you for your link

"There is no doubt that there is room for improvement, but there is also room for improvement in Israeli schools. That is the nub of the problem. I recently saw footage on social media from a religious school in Israel where children taking part in a question and answer session were caught saying that in 10 years’ time, the al-Aqsa mosque would not be there, a temple would be built on the site, and the only Arabs surviving would be slaves. We have to look at this picture in the round and from both sides of the argument. It is fair to say there is room for improvement in the education of children, within both Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories."
"This year, up to 66 Palestinian children have been killed in Gaza, with 600 wounded. Palestinian children have been beaten up and arrested in the west bank, and they still endure midnight raids, interrogation, detention and military trial. They go to school under threat from Israeli settlers, and 53 Palestinian schools in the west bank are subject to threats of demolition. As the hon. Lady said, those measures are also funded by the British Government through EU funds. I believe they have far more impact on the reality of inciting violence among Palestinian children. They need to be addressed urgently by our Government in their conversations and in the pressure they bring to bear to end the 54-year occupation. That is what will bring peace in the region, and that is what will bring peace for Palestinian children and Israeli children."
It turns out that there are often shooting incidents when Gazans try to get food at that collection point.
Sometimes at the same place too.

UNRWA schools - human rights. Might not be a good idea to tell a group what they should have. It seems they don't interfere with a nations own curriculum. History for instance often leads to a distorted view,

8 Question and answer:
What is human rights education?
Human rights education is education, training and information aiming at building a uni-versal culture of human rights through the sharing of knowledge, imparting of skills and moulding of attitudes directed to

The strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms;

The full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity;

The promotion of understanding, tolerance, gender equality and friendship among all nations, indigenous peoples and minorities

The enabling of all persons to participate effectively in a free and democratic society governed by the rule of law

The building and maintenance of peace;

The promotion of people-centred sustainable development and social justice

Source: World Programme for Human Rights Education. Available online: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Education/Training/Pages/UNDHREducationTraining.aspx

These proposed air drops of aid

Tis all very well but who is going to police that ?
Surely there must be some type of orderly hand out / distribution ???
These proposed air drops of aid

Tis all very well but who is going to police that ?
Surely there must be some type of orderly hand out / distribution ???
No, they're doing a high level drop of 50,000 MREs. They'll probably hit the Gaza strip but they'll be as precise as the IDF.

That's the equivalent to a single lorry load, probably less in practice. It's an utter waste of time.
they're doing a high level drop of 50,000 MREs.
That it seems would mean about 1/6 of a meal each The UK used gps guided parachutes and not from a great height as suggested by a US reporter when they do some, Jordan - some landed in the sea.

It sounds like formulae would be a very good idea.

The UN observer group did get fuel in. One tanker going on a video. Those didn't get to look at bodies. A longer clip mentioned seeing gunshot wounds and crush injuries.

Talk of marine aid corridors - again.
Sounds like Israel has agreed terms to a ceasefire, waiting for Hamas response.
These proposed air drops of aid

Tis all very well but who is going to police that ?
Surely there must be some type of orderly hand out / distribution ???
First come; first served.
38,000 ready meals airlifted today, according to my mate Al Jazz.
Sounds like Israel has agreed terms to a ceasefire, waiting for Hamas response.
There have been loads of proposals suggested by both sides. Is there any reason to believe this is one Hamas would sign up to?
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