Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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These proposed air drops of aid

Tis all very well but who is going to police that ?
Surely there must be some type of orderly hand out / distribution ???
As you know, Israel boasted that it attacked and destroyed a police car escorting an aid truck. Palestinian police no longer offer themselves as targets/
"Israeli military attacks on Palestinian police officers guarding aid trucks have led to a breakdown in law and order in the Gaza Strip, the UN has said." Daily Telegraph
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"JERUSALEM — The volume of aid delivered to Gaza has collapsed in recent weeks as Israeli airstrikes have targeted police officers who guard the convoys, U.N. officials say, exposing them to looting by criminal gangs and desperate civilians.

On average, only 62 trucks have entered Gaza each day over the past two weeks, according to figures from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs — well below the 200 trucks per day Israel has committed to facilitating. Just four trucks crossed on two separate days this week. Aid groups, which have warned of a looming famine, estimate that some 500 trucks are needed each day to meet people’s basic needs."

Washington Post
this is, of course, intentional. Starvation is being used as a weapon of war.

Starvation as a weapon of war.

Having destroyed the homes, bakeries, water supplies, shops and food stores

And sent the survivors open-air"safe places" where they continue to be bombed

Israel's planned genocide continues.

This is of course intentional.

"With minimal food entering the territory, UN agencies warn of a deepening catastrophe. They have called on Israel to open more crossings and simplify its inspection process for trucks, and say the constant Israeli bombardment has impeded food distribution.

“People in Gaza risk dying of hunger just miles from trucks filled with food,” World Food Programme (WFP) executive director Cindy McCain said last week. “We can keep famine at bay but only if we can deliver sufficient supplies and have safe access to everyone in need.”

Gaza’s entire population is facing “crisis or worse levels of acute food insecurity”, according to an assessment cited by the WFP. More than 500,000 face “catastrophe”, defined as an extreme lack of food."

Some say genocides can be prevented, but it seems not.

Intentional starvation


"The aid shipment that could have fed more than 1mn Palestinians for a month languished at the Israeli port of Ashdod for weeks. Then Israeli authorities said the desperately needed supplies could not be released.

The shipment of rice, flour, chickpeas, sugar and cooking oil, donated by Turkey, is one of many consignments facing blockages outside the Gaza Strip even as UN agencies warn that at least a quarter of the strip’s besieged population faces famine.

Martin Griffiths, the UN’s humanitarian chief, on Tuesday said Gazans were “staring death in the face: they have little to eat, hardly any access to medical care, nowhere to sleep, nowhere safe to go”. “No amount of dedication and goodwill is enough to keep millions of people alive, fed and protected — while the bombs are falling and the aid is choked off,” he said."
As you know, Israel boasted that it attacked and destroyed a police car escorting an aid truck. Palestinian police no longer offer themselves as targets/
So how will these air drops work

Would the UN or US have to put troops on the ground ??? In order to get some semblance of order for the distribution ??
Apparently the US and Jordan have made air drops ???

38000 meals apparently plus other essentials ?
What would be the first pause in fighting since November depends on Hamas agreeing to release hostages considered to be vulnerable, including the sick, the wounded, the elderly and women, the US. administration official said.

They said the Israelis “have more or less accepted” the proposal, adding: “The hostages have to be released.
“The deal is basically there. But I don’t want to create expectations one way or the other.
The US, together with Jordan’s air force, “conducted a combined humanitarian assistance airdrop into Gaza … to provide essential relief to civilians affected by the ongoing conflict”, US Central Command said in a statement on Saturday.

Al Jazeera.com

The move was welcomed by the Democrats favourite grumpy old man, Bernie Sanders, but criticised by aid agencies who say the air drops are nowehere near enough to supplement the aid convoys so badly needed by Gazans while Israel continues to blockade aid trucks. Not much more than a political stunt by the White House to show the Arab electorate something is being done.

In other news, a six week ceasefire has been proposed that'd give aid a chance to be supplied during the month of Ramadan - when they can't eat anything during the day - and end just after Easter at the end of March. Fingers crossed someone can talk sense by then.
UK a few big packs of stuff dropped. US more numerically but a lot smaller. The Jordan drop were say 1/3 went into the sea looked to be more UK sized. Also I think more planes dropping stuff. Not clear. One UK drop mentioned.

The ceasefire talks. They appear to be related to HAMAS's offer with one big difference. They suggested a series of ceasefires and staged hostage releases eventually leading to a permanent ceasefire. Biden - use the 1st ceasefire time to negotiate another.

Get a ceasefire - what goes on in the West Bank? Anything that might cause one side to break it?

Surveys. Left and right Israeli 50 50 they wont succeed, Palestinians 75% they wont. A lot of Israeli support their version of the end and also no aid going in. Seems a lot of US citizens support the war and probably see the same as we do.

Currently appears to be mainly the US get at HAMAS's money. They have a well managed portfolio said to be worth $b as a source of income.

Who will run Palestine if and when it appears. US noises again - some form of alignment of various groups that support the idea. Probably FATAH orientated who have had mixed feelings about HAMAS.

Outcry yesterday. Sheltering civilians killed in Rafar included a medic. Seems there was a terrorist there. Daily death count has reduced other than the aid related count. Purely down to fewer hits in fewer areas.
UK a few big packs of stuff dropped. US more numerically but a lot smaller. The Jordan drop were say 1/3 went into the sea looked to be more UK sized. Also I think more planes dropping stuff. Not clear. One UK drop mentioned.

The IDF says it has “coordinated” a total of 21 airdrops in the Gaza Strip in recent weeks, by the United States, Jordan, France, the UAE, and Egypt, with more than 450 packages of food and medical aid distributed to Palestinian civilians.

The latest airdrop was carried out Saturday by the US and Jordan.

“We will continue expanding our humanitarian efforts to the civilian population in Gaza while we fulfill our goals of freeing our hostages from Hamas and freeing Gaza from Hamas,” says IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari in an English-language video statement.
Currently appears to be mainly the US get at HAMAS's money. They have a well managed portfolio said to be worth $b as a source of income.

Who will run Palestine if and when it appears. US noises again - some form of alignment of various groups that support the idea. Probably FATAH orientated who have had mixed feelings about HAMAS.

Norway released $114 million to the PA through Israel, to pay wages and keep a bare minimum of public services ticking on life support. Shocking they have to do that at all, really but Hamas faces a big challenge from the PA after this blows over, as they look to strengthen their hand in ongoing peace talks aimed at regaining control of Gaza.
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