Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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A payback in kind for the rape and plunder of Palestine by Jewish settlers for many many years.
A payback in kind for the rape and plunder of Palestine by Jewish settlers for many many years.
Who knows really. The full report on the 7th isn't exactly hidden and it does mention difficulties encountered but concludes sexual aspect did happen also one case of miss info I noticed.

One aspect I have wondered about is HAMAS or some of the others. Some acts sound typical for the others.

I also wonder how current hostages are getting on in respect to food, water and medical aspects. Israel's attacks have clearly killed some.
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Releasing the report now undermines peace talks in Cairo where Hamas await the Zionist response to their demands. They say hostages have been killed in air strikes and there's nothing to stop them being murdered and the blame put on Israeli bombing if those demands are ignored in favour of an all-out assault on Rafah during Ramadan.
Another factor has been mentioned. HAMAS communication facilities broken down and they may not be fully aware of the current situation with respect to hostages.

The political part of HAMAS are involved in talks not the military side. They are separate entities that normally can communicate.

Benjamin will be fully aware of what he may be doing to the remaining hostages unless he lives on another planet.
Releasing the report now undermines peace talks in Cairo where Hamas await the Zionist response to their demands. They say hostages have been killed in air strikes and there's nothing to stop them being murdered and the blame put on Israeli bombing if those demands are ignored in favour of an all-out assault on Rafah during Ramadan.

They won't give a list of hostages dead or alive and wont say how many prisoners they want in return, I thought from previous talks it was 10-1 but maybe not.
They won't give a list of hostages dead or alive and wont say how many prisoners they want in return, I thought from previous talks it was 10-1 but maybe not.
They have put something else forwards. No details so far. Israel - well they are not there to talk.

Personally I wonder about the US intent. Security council talk 3 veto used. What they want is a temp ceasefire at a suitable point. The UK abstains. This is diplomats. Against that is the administration talk which is somewhat different. Sometime ruling parties have common areas, ;) even ours. I don't remember any political turmoil when Trump announce that Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel.

Sunak - accuses Galloway of ignoring the attrocaties. This avoids mentioning the results suggesting those are OK. In some ways this also figures in their none bill.
I don't remember any political turmoil when Trump announce that Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel.

There was an almighty diplomatic kerfuffle around the world, although America recognises West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel - China recognises East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine, surprise surprise.

Sunak - accuses Galloway of ignoring the attrocaties. This avoids mentioning the results suggesting those are OK. In some ways this also figures in their none bill.

George Galloway could easily say the same of Rish! ignoring Israeli atrocities, yes?
There was an almighty diplomatic kerfuffle around the world, although America recognises West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel - China recognises East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine, surprise surprise.

George Galloway could easily say the same of Rish! ignoring Israeli atrocities, yes?
The Tory none bill was very similar to the US UN ladies comments. For some reason ours abstained.

Rishi just concentrated on the atrocities - no mention of the other aspects. ;) Maybe that is why our UN rep didn't know what to do. Could also down to other countries voting for. Russia didn't and then did on the following 2.

Security council of course.

Rishi also had the lecturn out to talk about hate - desparation as no idea what to do. I could say this talk had a slant but to be honest I don't remember clearly. I just though what an unusual thing to do,
The Tory none bill was very similar to the US UN ladies comments. For some reason ours abstained.

Rishi just concentrated on the atrocities - no mention of the other aspects. ;) Maybe that is why our UN rep didn't know what to do. Could also down to other countries voting for. Russia didn't and then did on the following 2.

Rishi also had the lecturn out to talk about hate - desparation as no idea what to do. I could say this talk had a slant but to be honest I don't remember clearly. I just though what an unusual thing to do,

Tories are trying to crack down on protest marches - starting with marching in support of Palestine then moving on to Just Stop Oil and environmental protests. So they wheeled out the lectern, stood him on a soapbox so you could see him and off he waffled. I'd forgotten what he said while he said it. Apparently the Tories are all in favour of democracy until the good people of Rochdale elect someone Rish! doesn't like.
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