Zion and the Art of Armageddon

according to Israeli media citing Gaza reports.
LOL MSN cited by one that has specific interests. I'll wait for BBC or C4. AlJ - looks like some broke open and needed scraping off the ground.
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The BBC has consistently pushed the Israel-good; Palestine-bad narrative throughout this war which is the main reason i go to
Being fair they haven't. They have just reported and also shown rather clearly the devastation etc and interviewed a few people including Israeli who many people will see as being rather one sided just based on the interview. C4. is much the same. BBC news 6pm tonight- details on a young kid shot through the head by the IDF. Also a bit on settler violence.
Being fair they haven't. They have just reported and also shown rather clearly the devastation etc and interviewed a few people including Israeli who many people will see as being rather one sided just based on the interview. C4. is much the same. BBC news 6pm tonight- details on a young kid shot through the head by the IDF. Also a bit on settler violence.

Yes, but when reporting on the convoy they used a 'journalist' called Mahmoud Awadeyah for an unbiased description of exactly what happened.

Awadeyah works for a news agency called Tasnim, a semi official Iranian outlet fully owned by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. His social media posts suggest he wishes for Israel to be destroyed.
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The marine corridor. Some from WE the UK Cameron. General idea aid to Cyprus, checked and then on to Gaza. Not clear who does the checking. Actually head of the EU talking about it with some one from Cyprus beside her but out of camera. Later seen with her in Cyprus.

Biden's port. Sources from the US saying it will take months.

Aid distribution seen as a problem in both cases. UN resources needed.

More interesting. An Israeli port rather close to the N end of the strip. Israel wont open it to aid. Seems a ship loaded with flour tried to use it. USA ???

Oh dear someone who has an opinion helped with a report. What about Israel's edited drone shots filly - they missed a few things even then.
I get a lot of my news from Israeli sources, sure, they're a little biased. But please don't try and tell me the BBC are neutral in this, they're not, far from it, equally Al Jizz.
I get a lot of my news from Israeli sources, sure, they're a little biased. But please don't try and tell me the BBC are neutral in this, they're not, far from it, equally Al Jizz.
Pots and kettles.
There is nobody more biased than the Likud faction and their extremist supporters.
Mad Tory Peer tried to get student expelled and arrested.

Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories have expanded by a record amount and risk eliminating any practical possibility of a Palestinian state, the United Nations rights chief warns. The growth of Israeli settlements amounts to the transfer by Israel of its own civilian population into occupied territories, which is a war crime, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk said on Friday.

The United States said last month that the settlements were “inconsistent” with international law after Israel announced new housing plans in the occupied West Bank. Turk’s report found that the Israeli government’s policies “appear aligned, to an unprecedented extent, with the goals of the Israeli settler movement to expand long-term control over the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and to steadily integrate this occupied territory into the State of Israel”.

This is why we fight@Al Jazeera
I mentioned the intended and OK's 3,000 more settlers since the 7th a while ago. The rate has been accelerated. It was reported by an Israeli lady that doesn't agree with this area of occupation.

Death rates seem to be continuing at circa 70 odd a day but some numbers of these must be purely estimates and could be out either way.

The UK just mentioned a cease fire in Sudan over Ramadan to the security council. One day later over and done. This calls for opening all aid routes and a ceasefire. Russia abstained. Reason there is an aid corridor "open" and compared the situation with Gaza and effectively accused the UK and US of game playing for their own ends.

Blinken and Cameron blame HAMAS for the lack of a ceasefire. All they have to do is accept what Israel has agreed to. We can guess what that is. I was expecting HAMAS to be blamed. ;) Blinken's lot have no experience of running an empire. Maybe we have forgot.
More news. A ship in Cyprus is being currently loaded with aid. Suggests it will depart shortly as loading started hours ago.
Be interesting to see what happens when it gets to the strip. The UN officials feel that Biden's idea is cynical. The Cyprus one - well distribution has it's problems. Who and how?

Interesting interview of an Israeli on AlJ. He feels that they have fallen into HAMAS's trap. It seems he did fully support Israel's approach but not now. He may be correct. Now he thinks an immediate ceaefire is needed and aid must never be interfered with in the same way ever again. He even has views on who should be released from jail to head a separate state.

Odd thing about this is that Israel with suitable precautions could declare one unilaterally for a month.

Edit. Aid. A Spanish ship is towing a barge that carries the aid.
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At least the UK treats protestors against the Zionists with more respect than they do in Israel @fillyboy ...

Since October 7, Israeli anti-Zionists have described living in a hostile political and social environment. Many say the police have violently cracked down on anti-war protests, while others have received threats from far-right-wing Israelis. Many Israeli antiwar activists have also been smeared or “doxxed” – a term given to people whose identities and addresses are made known on social media by those hoping to intimidate them into silence.

Over the past five months, Israeli soldiers have razed entire neighbourhoods in Gaza, bombed universities, hospitals and places of worship, and shot at crowds of starving Palestinians lining up for food aid. Rights groups say that these attacks amount to war crimes and may collectively amount to a campaign of genocide.

Allahu Akhbar@Al Jazeera

..are you still comfortable in supporting a fascist government in Israel?
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