Zion and the Art of Armageddon

The Cyprus aid still hasn't moved. It seems some NGO group that use the name Kitchen are doing something at the other end to get it ashore. 200tonne ~10 truck equivalents. The past 500 trucks as day was seen as barely sufficient before the attacks. Probably why aid contributions were due an increase. The entire world food aid area has been struggling for some time.

The USA pontoon is on it's way. Interesting comment from the USA, should manage 2m meals a day. Sort of Ramadan for ever.

New news. IDF completes a road cutting across all of Gaza going east west complete with a ditch
The initial section of the road in eastern Gaza near the Israeli border was established between late last October and early November. But most of the new sections were built during February and in early March.

It goes by the name Highway 749. Maybe the total cleared width match the old Roman road idea. Various ideas of intended use in the link. Not one concerning aid though.
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.are you still comfortable in supporting a fascist government in Israel?
As I've said before, I'm no fan of Netanyahu, however, for the avoidance of doubt, I'm more than comfortable supporting any countries right to defend itself and will always support a war against terrorists.

Hamas are more aware than ever that the more Palestinian civilians killed, the stronger their own position becomes so expect hamas to do some prodding in the West Bank during Ramadan, pushing their own civilians in front of the IDF. Iran will stir things up in the north with Hezbollah and there will be an Iranian shipload of rockets on it's way to Yemen as we speak.

You're being played old sock.
Hamas are more aware than ever that the more Palestinian civilians killed, the stronger their own position becomes
A disgusting attempt to throw blame on the victims of Israel's genocide
Hamas are more aware than ever that the more Palestinian civilians killed, the stronger their own position becomes
No others are becoming aware including some Israeli even that this was bound to happen. Rest of post, Not worth increasing the wear on my keyboard.
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Hamas is more interested in igniting the Middle East during Ramadan than in pausing the Gaza war, the Mossad warned on Saturday night as it seemed that a hostage deal was not in the offing before the start of the Muslim holy month that begins on Sunday night.

“At this stage, Hamas is holding to its position as if it was uninterested in a deal and is striving to ignite the region during Ramadan at the expense of the Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip,” the Mossad said.

It spoke after Mossad Director David Barnea met Friday with CIA Director William Burns in the framework of the relentless effort to advance a deal for the release of the remaining 134 hostages.
I mentioned HAMAS's trap without giving details. Deaths need no help from HAMAS. They are the result of the attack method used - for good reasons as far as Israel is concerned. Similar Iraq. Yemen

Were is it all at currently.
Seems to be 6 to 8 weeks before 2m US meals /day get in with no clear ideas on distribution.
Israel has delayed departure of aid from Cyprus via security checks, The WFP are well known for transporting weapons,
Israel could open a container port to aid that would need a short drive to Gaza.
Israel could open another route in that would be more convenient. It''s closed. Aid would go in via Israel.
Biden noises are interesting. Can't kill another 30,000. Will continue supplying arms and deliberately leaking a comment about bringing some one to Jesus. Also pointing out that the current situation isn't helping Israel at all.

Benjamin must know that he is unlikely to be helping hostages.
“At this stage, Hamas is holding to its position as if it was uninterested in a deal and is striving to ignite the region during Ramadan at the expense of the Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip,” the Mossad said.
Due you really take that as literal? HAMAS were ever they are will be where they are and it seems not just in Rafar. The only fact is neither side can find a deal that suites both.

It spoke after Mossad Director David Barnea met Friday with CIA Director William Burns in the framework of the relentless effort to advance a deal for the release of the remaining 134 hostages.
Do you believe that this many are still alive and well? Plus good luck to CIA and Mossad. Actually others have been involved when the talks have been held. Still no agreement. On the Israel side reps have to go back and talk to the war cabinet. No one with actual power is there.
More stuff has come out. IDF body cam footage. Also IDF helicopter gun ship footage on the 7th. The person that dug that out seemed to be surprised he could find it. Blast everything in site type actions.

Demo's in Israel might be larger. Hard to tell. Some are end the war now. Others hostage related.
It goes by the name Highway 749. Maybe the total cleared width match the old Roman road idea. Various ideas of intended use in the link. Not one concerning aid though.
The aims are obvious...

The gradual annexation of Gaza and expulsion of Palestinians...

And the creation of an 'Israel to the sea' route to enable the transport of logistics in order to facilitate the theft of Palestinian gas and oil reserves off the Gazan coast!
The aims are obvious...

The gradual annexation of Gaza and expulsion of Palestinians...

And the creation of an 'Israel to the sea' route to enable the transport of logistics in order to facilitate the theft of Palestinian gas and oil reserves off the Gazan coast!


The Israeli port of Ashdod is just up the road.
Hamas are more aware than ever that the more Palestinian civilians killed, the stronger their own position becomes so expect hamas to do some prodding in the West Bank during Ramadan, pushing their own civilians in front of the IDF. Iran will stir things up in the north with Hezbollah and there will be an Iranian shipload of rockets on it's way to Yemen as we speak.

Still a dedicated follower of Fascism, i see.
Still a dedicated follower of Fascism, i see.

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