ID card voluntary?

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I don't think it has anything to do with whose idea it was, the ID cards offer no protection specially with the terrorisms and it will remove your freedom & will take us further along to the police state. My opinion it's a waste of money and it's unworkable. How will it stop terrorism and identity fraud & so on?
kendor said:
Methinks it's because Labour came up with the scheme and not them ;)
Or because ID cards have sod all to do with Laura Norder?

Masona is right, and let's not forget the following:

1) The 911 hijackers were in the US legally, and any ID card system has to allow for foreigners entering the country for training, on business etc.

2) The 7/7 bombers were UK citizens, and would have had ID cards if the UK had a system.

3) Spain already has ID cards, and they did not stop the Madrid train bombings, nor have they stopped ETA from killing 850 people over the last 38 years.
I fully agree with your sentiments gentlemen but the fact is the tories talked about a similar scheme when in office beating their chests that they were the party of law and order yet now labour try to introduce the scheme all of a sudden it's pants?
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I D cards are as inevitable as day and night. If the government of the day insist we have them then it is they who should foot the bill from the chancellor's coffers. I have heard sums up to sixty pounds for each card and replacment cards at the same cost. I don't think that would be the actual cost but a way of finding more revenue from the workers. To me this is just another back door taxation like the lotto only this time no choice and very expensive.
While on the subject of compulsory purchases. If I need NTL or SKY I subscribe. Television licence. No choice you pay £126:00 for mostly government propaganda programs or limited interest, mind numbing poor quality soaps. Will the time come when we have fair choice?
Still as Michael Palin said. Mustn't grumble. All together now. Always look on the bright side of life.

Methinks that everyone in this country should have some DNA and their fingerprints stored on a national database. THEN as soon as a crime was committed the police would know who did it immediately.

The cost of setting it all up would be clawed back from the money saved by ongoing criminal investigations.

Only those who have something to hide would be against it, as the probability of two peopl sharing an identical DNA is virtually zero.
Brightness said:
Methinks that everyone in this country should have some DNA and their fingerprints stored on a national database. THEN as soon as a crime was committed the police would know who did it immediately.

The cost of setting it all up would be clawed back from the money saved by ongoing criminal investigations.

Only those who have something to hide would be against it, as the probability of two peopl sharing an identical DNA is virtually zero.

What a stupid idea. :cry:
Why is it so stupid? Explain? Are you afraid of having your DNA on record? Have you been or ar you a 'naughty' boy? ;) :D
One example:

My family may have a history of diabetes or epilepsy. Now if Lloyds of London were to obtain this genetic information would I get insurance?
The ID cards is a threat to civil liberties & the human rights plus it will make life easier for people like asylum seekers & identity fraud cheats and not forgetting terrorists.

Also to get an ID cards you would have to prove who you are and the only real way is your passport or your birth certificate, so how many of them is forge or illegal?

It's unworkable.
keyplayer said:
One example:

My family may have a history of diabetes or epilepsy. Now if Lloyds of London were to obtain this genetic information would I get insurance?

You should do and besides don't you have to declare these conditions when you take out a policy anyway?
absolutely awful idea ... :( :(
so you would TRUST this govt with your DNA ...urrrrgh

as a new diabetic type2 , my car insurance went up in Jan £100 pound because I disclosed this ...(even though as an alkie I hardly ever drive ,the insurance for the wifes car is for emergancy )
usual premuim £ 160 full comp after telling all brokers I rang =£260

very good point....its a 1984 nightmare scenario ....
I personally wouldn't trust Tony Blair with fly cr@p but I do think it's inevitable. I mean we are watched on virtually every street, shop, pub etc by CCTV anyway.

George Orwell was mocked for his thoughts but in reality he was a very bright man with more foresight than we could ever have imagined.
£300 quid each , an £100 of that to govt for admin costs ...hmmm

this is just a tax on the people ... I will be in Trafalgar Square smashing a scaffolding pole in a police car window like many others again if this comes in .....

btw these bio metric cards were hacked in 3 hrs when the govt gave them too hakkors to "play with"...
Didn't say I agreed with us paying for them :eek:
Don't go smashing up police cars Moz, not enough of them around as it is and it would only come out of your taxes to repair and replace them :cry:
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