should cops pay be back dated

Interesting, makes me feel guilty in a way. We have spent since April arguing about our increase, at one point it was looking like strike action - in the end we are getting 4.2% plus an extra day holiday, backdated from April and to be paid in our December payroll. (The union was pushing for 4.6% but we voted in favour of the holiday idea)

I must confess that I know very little about the circumstances of the police offer, but my feeling is that they need the same Union support my colleaugues and I have! (I work for EDF, by the way).
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I dont have much respect for most of the police who are rude and use bullying tactics and ignore the victims of repeated crime. ( And shoot innocent electricians! )

However, in pure employment terms, I feel that they are entitled to the agreed increase from September and that the Government is taking advantage of their devotation to handing out parking tickets and speeding fines rather than taking strike action like other workers.

For a start the Police could withdraw policing of Downing Street. A few rotten eggs thrown at No. 10 and No. 11 might make the Government change their mind!

For all the backbiting at Maggie Thatcher, I wonder what the average life expectancy for a welsh male is now, as opposed to when coal mining was at its height...... :?:
The suicide rate went up amongst the mining community :eek:
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The police aren't on a bad whack as it is, i haven't got the figures to hand, but a newly qualified PC gets more than a teacher and a load more than a nurse, that imbalance annoys me more than this poxy £200. I can understand the annoyance, as a deal is a deal. Wondering what the outcome of this ballot to possibly think about striking will be??

And will it mean the armed forces who seem to be the only ones taking any notice of the "not allowed to strike" gentlemans agreement will be picking up the policing as they did for the fire service strikes?????

Still come april the armed forces will get 3.2% and you wont even hear a murmur, but the lads/lasses will go on dying.

Perspective anyone?????
The police aren't on a bad whack as it is, i haven't got the figures to hand, but a newly qualified PC gets more than a teacher and a load more than a nurse, that imbalance annoys me more than this poxy £200. I can understand the annoyance, as a deal is a deal.

It annoys me too. Just like the Police, the teachers and nurses are way underpaid, All the money in society goes to doctors, lawyers, dentists and their ilk. That lot should be paid less - the others more.
The police's role has changed over the years, it has now become a minefield of red tape, paperwork and diversity training and far too much emphasis on raising revenue from fining the motorist.

My respect for the police has dwindled over the years but I don't see that is the fault of the PC's at the front end, more the policy makers and management who get so far up their backsides with issues that are totally irrelevant to day to day policing of our streets.

As for the £200 just give it to them and lets get on :rolleyes:
Perhaps when the police strike the ex miners ought to blockade the motorways and turn back any policemen trying to reach the picket line.

also they could arm themselves with truncheons and rush the picket line.

I'm sure they have the miners and printworkers sympathy with their quest for another massive payrise like maggie gave em whilst others got f*ck all. and were told to tighten their belts, funny now the shoes on the other foot.

I never ceased to be amazed by the ignorant bigoted attitudes of some people.

Get a life Tim and move on.

The police are corrupt right through, incompetent, dishonest and unaccountable.

really? i would suggest you prove that statement.

Jean Charles De Menezes

Shot the guy with no evidence
Lied about what he'd done to try to justify their actions
scrubbed over that
Big chief says he didn't know (why not!!)
Just an inevitable error
Doesn't think anyone should be held responsible.

Only one person died.
Remember Steve Coogan?
In 1984, nobody died
In 1985, nobody died
In 1986, nobody died
In 1987, nobody died
In 1988, somebody did die
In 19....

there's plenty more
Jean Charles De Menezes

shame about him but i'll bet im in more danger from you when you drive while talking on your mobile phone than i am from the police.

chatter chatter chatter.


the police earn a good wage for sure, much more than the figures you see quoted but most people could not do their job.
picking up drunks dealing with crims but mostly dealing with all the people who think the other guy needs locking up but its ok for them,or their son, to do whatever they want.

pay them.
Totally agree, all the emergency services do a great job and deserve both our respect and financial support.

If we want to focus on pay why not look at anyone in the arts, sportsmen and women ... Celebrities

Their pay nowadays is totally oscene and bears no relation to what value the give to society.

For all the backbiting at Maggie Thatcher, I wonder what the average life expectancy for a welsh male is now, as opposed to when coal mining was at its height...... :?:
That between Tha***er and Scargill was just a fight between 2 dick heads with bad hairdo`s
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