English calais idiots

Describing immigrants as "animals", "lawless mob",or "the enemy" is racially offensive!
No two ways about it.
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Describing immigrants as "animals", "lawless mob",or "the enemy" is racially offensive!
No two ways about it.
Human beings are all animals, except in your case where you qualify as a vegetable... There are areas of the "Jungle" where the French Police cannot go, so they are lawless and some of them may be doing the bidding of the enemies of not only the British people but the people of other European counties, so would it not be fair to regard them as the enemy till they are proven friendly?
Human beings are all animals, except in your case where you qualify as a vegetable...
Your odium is apparent!

There are areas of the "Jungle" where the French Police cannot go, so they are lawless and some of them may be doing the bidding of the enemies of not only the British people but the people of other European counties, so would it not be fair to regard them as the enemy till they are proven friendly?
You rely too much on the DM and websites dedicated to racism for your information.
There's no doubt that common sense is being eroded, but I think that racism is being caused by the uncontrolled immigration, and the ongoing obsession with multiculturalism that's forcing us to kowtow to others beliefs; if you went to say Iran, you're forced to go along with the local customs, not the other way around.

Fear of the unknown is a definitely an issue, but it's also the innate awareness at the subconscious level, that we are being told what to believe, how to behave, and how to think by the people who think they know better than us. Tolerance towards us, would allow us to breed tolerance to others, even if it's a gradual process.
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Describing immigrants as "animals", "lawless mob",or "the enemy" is racially offensive!
No two ways about it.
Animals is derogatory for sure, but please understand that fear of the unknown is a human trait, a strong one at that that made us survive. Headlines in papers, news articles full of pictures showing hundreds and thousands of strangers with 'different ways to our own' who want to come and stay.. ISIS creating fear and unrest, the brexit campaign, lack of integration in many parts of the UK, austerity - all of these things and many more combined have created fear, wrongly or rightly. To label those fears as racism is unfair the way you do it Himmy to all and sundry. People should be allowed to speak, be heard because to be closed down with the racist label doesn't change anything and no fears are alleviated. Talking and reasoning however.....
There's no doubt that common sense is being eroded, but I think that racism is being caused by the uncontrolled immigration, and the ongoing obsession with multiculturalism that's forcing us to kowtow to others beliefs; if you went to say Iran, you're forced to go along with the local customs, not the other way around.

Fear of the unknown is a definitely an issue, but it's also the innate awareness at the subconscious level, that we are being told what to believe, how to behave, and how to think by the people who think they know better than us. Tolerance towards us, would allow us to breed tolerance to others, even if it's a gradual process.
"How far can we go in the rightful defence of our Western values, without abandoning them along the way?" John le Care. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold.
It's worth continuing the extract with the response from the head of MI5, in John le Care's novel:
"You can't be less ruthless than the opposition simply because your government's policy is benevolent, can you now?"
"Today the same man, with better teeth and hair, and a much smarter suit, can be heard to explain away the catastrophic illegal war, or justifying medieval torture as the preferred means of interrogation in the twenty-first century, or defending the inalienable right of closet psychopaths to bear semi-automatic weapons, and the use of unmanned drones as a risk-free method of assassinating one's perceived enemies and anybody who has the bad luck to be standing near them.
Or, as a loyal servant of his corporation, assuring us that smoking is harmless to the health of the Third World, and the great banks are their to serve the public."
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Describing immigrants as "animals", "lawless mob",or "the enemy" is racially offensive!
No two ways about it

As these comments are describing their actions, I fail to see how they can be classifies as racist. If you say that all Irish are ignorant, then that's racist, and if you say that there were 2000 sexual assaults committed by immigrants in Cologne on new years eve, then that's reporting a problem.

He should have said that "those" immigrants were acting like animals, or in a lawless mob, but the majority of us are aware that there are issues with the different attitude of a lot of the immigrants that are trying to get in to this country. In Turkey recently, a mob beheaded a soldier that was deemed to be one of those trying to overthrow the government, but in this country, the soldiers would have stood their ground, and we'd have just thrown bricks. There is not a shadow of a doubt that many of the immigrants come from countries that have different attitudes to violence and murder than we do, and this is going to cause issues and concerns, and it's not going to help the situation whatsoever by not recognising the differences.
There's no doubt that common sense is being eroded, but I think that racism is being caused by the uncontrolled immigration, and the ongoing obsession with multiculturalism that's forcing us to kowtow to others beliefs; if you went to say Iran, you're forced to go along with the local customs, not the other way around.

Fear of the unknown is a definitely an issue, but it's also the innate awareness at the subconscious level, that we are being told what to believe, how to behave, and how to think by the people who think they know better than us. Tolerance towards us, would allow us to breed tolerance to others, even if it's a gradual process.
Indeed, lived in Iran as a kid. My parents were very respectful and also drummed into us as children to follow local customs. Respect is great and for sure, should be world wide. And utterly agree, tolerance too, I've often said tolerance to everyone is the key - be their religion, way of life or their appearance. Problem with that is how to convince everyone and how do we beat human nature?
How far can we go in the rightful defence of our Western values, without abandoning them along the way

This actually highlights the very problem; whilst we have western values, many immigrants don't, and because we are being told to bow down to the god of multiculturalism, our western values are being subverted, and we are being herded in to a very insecure position that brings up dangerous fears. I suspect that you are very sincere in your beliefs Himmy, but I also suspect that you don't realise that they are actually making things worse.
Animals is derogatory for sure, but please understand that fear of the unknown is a human trait, a strong one at that that made us survive. Headlines in papers, news articles full of pictures showing hundreds and thousands of strangers with 'different ways to our own' who want to come and stay.. ISIS creating fear and unrest, the brexit campaign, lack of integration in many parts of the UK, austerity - all of these things and many more combined have created fear, wrongly or rightly. To label those fears as racism is unfair the way you do it Himmy to all and sundry. People should be allowed to speak, be heard because to be closed down with the racist label doesn't change anything and no fears are alleviated. Talking and reasoning however.....
Only one word in your comment is applicable! The rest is nonsense that surrounds that one word describing terrorists!
Terrorism is real and deserves to be addressed. But to associate all and any migrants with that label is racist!
Okay, I'm jokingly, (but not seriously) saying you could be right, but it's still a racist comment.
I am assuming that you are not a different race than the Irish, i.e. you are white, in which case it cannot be a "racist" remark.

If you said all black people are ignorant, that would be racist.

This is Himmy's problem - well, one of them - he cannot accept that racism only applies to races.
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