London bombings how dreadful......

kendor said:
Again i ask, If the Archbishop of Canterbury suddenly started telling people to go and kill others would you condemn or blame Christianity?

Off course not but some people may think its the right thing to do, just the same as some devout catholics wont use a rubber because the pope says he is right even though it doesnt say anything about wearing a rubber in the catholiuc preachings of the bible
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Kendor, when will you remove your head from the clouds mate?

Just because you don't think they are religious does not make it so, I'll bet these people have prayed more in the last 12 months than you have in your life, I'll bet they have done more in keeping with their percieved religious beliefs than you will ever have done or will do...

And this is the problem with religion, whether that be Islamic, Christian or any other, it is all open to interpretation and ones mans religious follower is another mans religious zealot.

This is the very reason why I am an Athiest, I don't believe in bullshiiite and that is exactly what all religions preach..

well said ...

Bliar has soooooooooooooooo much blood on his hands its untrue no wonder he lies awake at night in dark terror ..

he should be on trial in the Hague with that munkey bush warcriminals ..

He an like the other new -tories they are in their Ivory towers looking down at Joe Public sneeringly saying "they are fighting terrorism "
No they are NOT (SEND EUAN TO BASRA WITh A SA80) its The British Army in a colonial corporate oil war ,an the brit public will suffer an the few get VERY VERY RICH

I truely believe that these evil men we have in power are tortured by Night Demons that let them Know of the sulpheric warm reception in Hell they will receive for Eternity ..

I aint a Christian but I believe in Good an Evil an the Kingdom Of Heaven burning painful Hell for your after-life , if you dont believe of nothing I pity you !

What helps me is an old sunday school lesson many years ago ,
wher Rev Moon a real old fire an brimstone had all us 8 yos enthralled about "Right an Wrong"
he said anyone who repents their sins will be admitted into the "Kingdom of the Lord "

this was when Charles Manson clan just done their worst ..
Well Simon turner said "will he be Allowed in Heaven??"

Old moonie went grey an then blacken as he slowly said
"God an Jesus will never allow such evil men to taint Heaven , they will be sucked down an ripped an sliced into pulp an will scream that pain for eternity for every second ,DAMN THEM ! "

Not the usual Sunday morn session ,lol
He then went to tell us, the world we leave in is harsh an YOU WILL DIE ,maybe not tomorrow of course but one day an all your past badness will be accountable at the Gates of Heaven ....AMEN!
On pushing him, he said if YOU KILL your in hell ,steal a sweet ok ,

Rob Fenton said if you played with your widggee would he go too hell ...all serious

(lol he works at a local bank should go in an ask if he still plays with his widggee..LOl)

the Rev shook his head but looked sternly an said "wait for a girl friend"

which had us rolling around laughting, I didnt know what he meant at the time but laughed /giggled ..

anyway you got to believe that when your dead thats NOT it ,oily blackness /nothing in my hope .. I look forward to seeing my lil Sis Jan ,an giving her a big love an lots of love .. :) you really believe this atrocity is because of Blair???????? No, 9/11 happened because of Bair and Bush as well!
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Freddie said:
Kendor you are walking around the flower beds and tiptoeing through the Tulips------------you cant just scoff and dismiss facts that some religious leaders preach hate and tell its followers to kill and also what i was on about distaught or see other things in their holy preachings.

The facts are this is happening and it is only appearing to happen in one religion-- Islam.

I can only believe that Islam means nothing but good--BUT some people see something else there which incites or makes them go out and do what they do because they believe this is what Islam tells them to do

Who is right or wrtong i dont know but the fact is it happens and to dismiss it as " oh they are just misguided " is the equivelent of lighting the fuse of a bomb and stand there sticking your fingers in your ears so you cant hear it go off
Not scoffing or tiptoeing as you put it merely stating what i believe that those that condone violence are masquerading as religious men and they are most definitely not no matter what they may call themselves. No where does the Koran mention going out and killing people so how can the original post say that Islam is the cause of the atrocities?
kendor said:
Freddie said:
Kendor you are walking around the flower beds and tiptoeing through the Tulips------------you cant just scoff and dismiss facts that some religious leaders preach hate and tell its followers to kill and also what i was on about distaught or see other things in their holy preachings.

The facts are this is happening and it is only appearing to happen in one religion-- Islam.

I can only believe that Islam means nothing but good--BUT some people see something else there which incites or makes them go out and do what they do because they believe this is what Islam tells them to do

Who is right or wrtong i dont know but the fact is it happens and to dismiss it as " oh they are just misguided " is the equivelent of lighting the fuse of a bomb and stand there sticking your fingers in your ears so you cant hear it go off
Not scoffing or tiptoeing as you put it merely stating what i believe that those that condone violence are masquerading as religious men and they are most definitely not no matter what they may call themselves. No where does the Koran mention going out and killing people so how can the original post say that Islam is the cause of the atrocities?

Well if i put Arab looking muslims are terrorists that would be a racist thing but you believe what you believe Kendor and the rest of us who take in the facts that are gathered will believe what we believe.
Freddie said:
kendor said:
Freddie said:
Kendor you are walking around the flower beds and tiptoeing through the Tulips------------you cant just scoff and dismiss facts that some religious leaders preach hate and tell its followers to kill and also what i was on about distaught or see other things in their holy preachings.

The facts are this is happening and it is only appearing to happen in one religion-- Islam.

I can only believe that Islam means nothing but good--BUT some people see something else there which incites or makes them go out and do what they do because they believe this is what Islam tells them to do

Who is right or wrtong i dont know but the fact is it happens and to dismiss it as " oh they are just misguided " is the equivelent of lighting the fuse of a bomb and stand there sticking your fingers in your ears so you cant hear it go off
Not scoffing or tiptoeing as you put it merely stating what i believe that those that condone violence are masquerading as religious men and they are most definitely not no matter what they may call themselves. No where does the Koran mention going out and killing people so how can the original post say that Islam is the cause of the atrocities?

Well if i put Arab looking muslims are terrorists that would be a racist thing but you believe what you believe Kendor and the rest of us who take in the facts that are gathered will believe what we believe.
But there are NO facts that link the teachings of Islam to terrorism!
as i said before those that use the name of Islam to carry out those atrocities might just as well name jesus or buddha or hare krishna as their mentor it makes no difference to the fact that these people are evil and are in no way connected with religion is that so hard to understand?
And there is no link that fags cause cancer other than the fact that a lot of those who smoke them die of lung cancer and other diseases.

Suicide bombers and other terrorists are and appear to be muslim--from different countries that have a muslim population---they spout verses from the Koran in there spite when carrying out these attacks----they are known to be frequent members of a Mosque---they call themselves the Islamic whatever whatever-----they sometimes belong to a Mosque where they preach a slightly distorted version of the Koran.

But as you say there is no link---------bit like the man you always get in those disaster movies who doesnt believe that the worst will happen and scoffs at all the others
jasy said: you really believe this atrocity is because of Blair???????? No, 9/11 happened because of Bair and Bush as well!

No, it didn't happen just because of Blair ....
Moz said:
he should be on trial in the Hague with that munkey bush warcriminals ..

And my point was that if Blair had not joined Bush in war, the 7/7 attacks would not have happened.

There's no need to get personal.
Freddie said:
And there is no link that fags cause cancer other than the fact that a lot of those who smoke them die of lung cancer and other diseases.

Suicide bombers and other terrorists are and appear to be muslim--from different countries that have a muslim population---they spout verses from the Koran in there spite when carrying out these attacks----they are known to be frequent members of a Mosque---they call themselves the Islamic whatever whatever-----they sometimes belong to a Mosque where they preach a slightly distorted version of the Koran.

But as you say there is no link---------bit like the man you always get in those disaster movies who doesnt believe that the worst will happen and scoffs at all the others
And you was the one moaning about having your words twisted! :rolleyes: referring to disaster movies does nothing but prove to me that you are getting your "facts" from hollywood, you go all round the houses trying to justify what you say and it is not relevant to what i had said, short of spelling it out for you THOSE THAT PERPETRATE VIOLENCE HAVE NO LINKS TO RELIGION BUT MERELY USE IT AS AN EXCUSE TO GET OVER THIR VIEWS so lay off Islam it is nothing to do with terrorism. stop twisting what i am saying.
I think the point has been made earlier in this thread, but we don't know yet who planted these bombs. Just because two previously unheard of groups with AQ in their name have claimed responsibility, it doesn't mean they did. I could phone up, say I was Al-Qaeda and claim responsibility if I was nutty enough.

All bombs were relatively small (under 10lb a piece, as oppose to the several hundred pound affairs under the IRA), which some would say make it unlikely to be an Al-Qaeda spectacular, rather than one man with a grudge.....
FWL_Engineer said:
Kendor, when will you remove your head from the clouds mate?

Just because you don't think they are religious does not make it so, I'll bet these people have prayed more in the last 12 months than you have in your life, I'll bet they have done more in keeping with their percieved religious beliefs than you will ever have done or will do...

And this is the problem with religion, whether that be Islamic, Christian or any other, it is all open to interpretation and ones mans religious follower is another mans religious zealot.

This is the very reason why I am an Athiest, I don't believe in bullshiiite and that is exactly what all religions preach..
and how does anything you've said above make the teachings of Islam anything to do with terrorism?? these people can pray all they like it doesn't make them in the slightest a religious person who can justify that they are a man of god if they go out and do these evil things it just proves that they don't understand the teachings.
You are entitled to your beliefs if you think religion is bullshiiite ,but there are others out there who live their lives by it so who is right and who is wrong?
There is nothing complicated about what is Good and what is Evil amongst normal people it's the twisted minds of some that try to make it so and it is these individuals who can call themselves what they like they are not religious men.
would you have called Charles Manson a good leader because he ran a cult? some thought he was a god!
pipme said:
LINK here
A 'leaked' dossier ....
There you go the dossier states recruits amongst disillusioned people and those bearing grudges etc these people are prime meat for those Al Qeada leaders to approach those recruits are misguided and believe propaganda spouted by the ones that perpetrate to be doing so in the good name of Allah, how much of the REAL teachings do they actually know or understand? Literally nothing if they then go and carry out the orders from these despicable people.
But to remove their 'disillusionment' is impossible !! Without disillusioning another faction of the ilk.
Could it be that parents came, having failed to integrate ... No one thought what effect that may have on their offspring.. Perhaps they were prone to feeling ostracised from their western peers?
Perhaps tis just like oil and water in the mix? I just do not know !
We shall see wether Oz has a home-land quasi Islamic problem, given their support in Iraq .. Or can they handle their borders and people ingress better in every sense?
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