Well it looks like

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20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
Macrons honeymoon period in office is over . Tis all kicking off in Paris.

The French do like a good riot every so often
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Just a typical socialist government taxing people until the pips squeak. Always ends in disaster. Some comedians on here are calling for a socialist government for The UK. Be careful what you wish for!
Apparently napoleon had the cobbled streets rippped up and replaced with tarmac to remove ammunition from rioters?
Just a typical socialist government taxing people until the pips squeak. Always ends in disaster. Some comedians on here are calling for a socialist government for The UK. Be careful what you wish for!
The only problem with your 'argument' is that he is not a 'socialist'...:LOL:

As ever we get ignorance in the face of the facts from you!
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Maybe in his "mind" everybody who is not a supporter of no taxes, no regulations, no state schools, no state healthcare, no state pension, no police, no fire service, no roads, no welfare benefits etc is a socialist.
Apparently napoleon had the cobbled streets rippped up and replaced with tarmac to remove ammunition from rioters?


But in the mid/late C19th and early C20th, long after Napoleon Bonaparte, extensive public rebuilding works led by Baron Haussman replanned central Paris with wide boulevards and sweeping curves instead of the old narrow streets and crossroads. One of the effects of which is that they are much more difficult to barricade with a few carts and some old furniture.

Parts of central London have also been modified to prevent rioters getting the upper hand.

Revolutionary France overthrew the old regimes with public disorder and mob rule, so it took care to prevent being overthrown in the same way.

I don't know of any time when there were no cobbles for Parisian rioters to use.
Keep on entertaining us with your posts...

Because your ignorance truly knows no bounds - as you keep on showing us!

Ah bless, Ellal clearly knows nothing about French politics -perhaps he needs to broaden his knowledge :ROFLMAO:

In fact France is considered more “socialist” than others because “social acquisitions” dating back to the Front Populaire and the 4th Republic (social security) have not been cancelled. In other words, France has not yet yielded to ultra-liberal economics

Of course Macron is changing things, he has already cut taxes for the super rich -hence why they are flooding into Paris.
The French deployed there water cannons

That Berk Boris Johnson bought a couple afaik they had to be scrapped as they are not legal in the UK bloke should have to pay the cost out of his own pocket imho

Think he paid 400 grand for em did the idiot not check the legality prior to making the purchase
This is what the French do when fuel goes up a Couple of Euros.

What will they do when we stop buying In the number that we do their cars their trucks their vans, their Wine, their cheese,
Their grapes
Their beer.


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No he did not the tax payer paid as far as I know they got about 12 grand back in scrap value

He should be made to pay out of his own pocket
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