Well it looks like

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:rolleyes:It's depressing to think some one like u is allowed to vote

Need to be depressed about me as I do not vote :)

Incidentally I voted remain in the referendum entente cordial and all
That caper :sneaky:
This is what the French do when fuel goes up a Couple of Euros.

It's not even that much. In its 23% over 12 months and they're paying about what we are per litre of diesel.

Speaking to a friend of mine last night who lives in Paris suggested Macron won't last longer than he needs to and I can believe it.

His words were "his heart is on the left, wallet on the right and just a dick of a banker".
Seems like Macron has partially caved in to the protesters :LOL:

Typical French they always cave in

His approval rating is lower them Trumps

Wonder if he would have caved in if the protest had been peaceful ?

Doubt it . So violence does pay then ?
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At least the French do something.The remoaners just stick their heads in the sand.
While the quitters threaten riots?
Its not over til the fat lady sings.If the commons vote May down,they have gone directly against the will of the majority of the Uk,which aint great in a parliamentary democracy.Have as many polls as you like,until it happens,we do not know.
Its not over til the fat lady sings.If the commons vote May down,they have gone directly against the will of the majority of the Uk,which aint great in a parliamentary democracy.Have as many polls as you like,until it happens,we do not know.
In a parliamentary democracy there is no such thing as the 'will of the people'...

And btw it wasn't the 'majority of the UK', it was a minority of the electorate...

But hey, quitters never are any good at the facts are they :LOL:
minority of the electorate...

Yes thats right, remainer vote was an even smaller minority of the electorate.

So leavers had a bigger minority than the remainers minority.

But hey, maths isnt your strong point clearly, as you cant see one number is bigger than another :ROFLMAO:
Yes thats right, remainer vote was an even smaller minority of the electorate.

So leavers had a bigger minority than the remainers minority.

But hey, maths isnt your strong point clearly, as you cant see one number is bigger than another :ROFLMAO:
A minority is still a minority...

But how come you didn't pick up on the 'will of the majority of the UK' claim?

Oh that's right - your maths is worse than mine :LOL:
Yes thats right, remainer vote was an even smaller minority of the electorate.

So leavers had a bigger minority than the remainers minority.

But hey, maths isnt your strong point clearly, as you cant see one number is bigger than another :ROFLMAO:

A minority is still a minority...

But how come you didn't pick up on the 'will of the majority of the UK' claim?

Oh that's right - your maths is worse than mine :LOL:

In one thread you complain about FPTP.

In another you show complete lack of understanding in regard to the electorate. It's pretty clear to most when someone says 'most of the UK' in reference to an electoral process it means the UK electorate.

There's a reason the entire UK population isn't lumped in with the electorate because some are too young or not eligible to vote.

If you don't vote you don't count. In other words the majority voted for brexit.
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If you don't vote you don't count.
If those who don't vote, or can't vote, and those who lost the vote, don't count, then the system is designed and run for the minority.
Therefore the system is fundamentally flawed.
If those who don't vote, or can't vote, and those who lost the vote, don't count, then the system is designed and run for the minority.
Therefore the system is fundamentally flawed.


you are saying you think because 2 year olds cant vote, the system is flawed o_O
If those who don't vote, or can't vote, and those who lost the vote, don't count, then the system is designed and run for the minority.
Therefore the system is fundamentally flawed.

What you're suggesting is rubbish
What do you suggest as an alternative?
It's prett

It's pretty clear to most when someone says 'most of the UK' in reference to an electoral process it means the UK electorate.
Ah, there is that strange 'logic' again...

It means nothing of the sort - it's a total distortion of the truth!
(or in the vernacular, a lie!)

But you carry on believing in that 'most of the UK' fallacy if you like...

I have a feeling that quitters may well find their lies are about to come up and bite them in the bum ;)
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