words, words, words!

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العربية يمكن أن تكون ممتعة للغاية.But only with permission of course! :eek: :D
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私と日本語で結構です。 :)

f本k you!! :LOL:
Language is based on commonly accepted sounds to describe the hyeroglyphs of the mind. Petty details that this post refers to are of no real consequence and demonstrate a failure of the imagination. Stanley Unwin created a language, which was comprehensible - I don't recall anyone complaining about it!
العربية يمكن أن تكون ممتعة للغاية.But only with permission of course! :eek: :D

quite an insut is that :cry:
....and as for people using the word aks, instead of ask, well!

The Jamiacan/rude boy favourite,,as in 'arks him what da time iz'

The one that makes me laugh when when people refer to the ceiling as 'the roof'

Still I cant say much..I have a terrible habit of calling a Chimney a 'Chimley'
and I always pronounce Ominous as 'Omnious' I didnt know I was saying it wrong until the wife put me straight a couple of months ago.

One 'phrase' that makes my toes curl is the Chavette favourite..'and im like ..wotevva'...

What the **** is that meant to mean????????????????????????????
Another cringing moment is, when someone says "Oh Rather"
another is roof the plural is rooves

No it isn't: See Concise Oxford Dictionary!


• noun (pl. roofs) 1 the structure forming the upper covering of a building or vehicle. 2 the top inner surface of a covered area or space. 3 the upper limit or level of prices or wages.
oh dear....you'd end up with eye surgery if you hung around these parts for just a little while.(eye rolling) It is a windshield on the car...or automobile...whatever!! I type like I talk ....but I am aware of how to spell correctly...and apparently people in the US dont speak english...we speak american...although we were always told it was english...so I guess we just grate on your nerves in general by butchering your language that you hold so dear. I had no idea that although most of the "things" over there are the same here, they have different words/terms for them. case in point aluminium...i always thought it was spelled (started to type spelt, but held back) wrong on ya'lls side but it really is spelled differently. and I can bet ya'll is really gettin on yer last noive ....believe it or not, it is very annoying when a word is mispronounced regardless of geography....try the word tire over here...or water and no doubt you will hear about 20 some odd pronunciations....rant over :LOL:
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