ALDI disgraceful Union Jack Doormat

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I suppose now is not the time to mention the Queens Head toilet paper on bogof at pound land
Having a union jack doormat on sale doesn't bother me.
The fact that no one would dare to market a doormat with a couple of verses of the koran on, because it would be an each way bet whether they got locked up or blown up first... that fckin bothers me.
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how do you compare a flag to a religious book?

If Aldi had printed a a BIBLE doormat it might have been relevant but still UTTERLY PATHETIC!

do you guys spend hours scouring the world for things to get annoyed about
your Blood pressure must be through the roof!
I think he might have been taking the **** spacecat , surely he must have been?
Who would market a matt with a section of the Koran printed on it? The BNP tuc shop?
And if someone was actually stupid enough to do so , and someone actually was stupid enough to buy it, who would lock them up or blow them up? The Koran police? Kojac the Koran copper?
I think he might have been taking the p**s spacecat , surely he must have been?
Who would market a matt with a section of the Koran printed on it? The BNP tuc shop?

No in all likelhood he WASNT take these guys at their word mate thats exactly what and how they kidding
Down with this sort of thing!


I dont think everyone here has the same views , surely. Well views might be the wrong term but this attitude cant be across the board.
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