Women and children first

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To add, they have auto pilot. Not sure about the drop anchor part though.
Who are we to judge who may die or not in a accident situation?
Fair enough if you might die in the rescue you can call it as you see it, but to say. "No your not coming on board"...........because of age not the safety of the lifeboat.
You would probably get thrown off yourself.

But you're quite happy to say "No, you're not coming on board"..... because of sex? :rolleyes:
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What do you think "women and children first" means? when there isn't enough room on the lifeboats. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Where does sex come into that?
Children in the example could be male and female.

I dont think there is a smiley for exasperation.
Oh ffs No one's arguing against children going first. That leaves women taking precedence over men purely on the basis of their sex. That is not right in my eyes when a young healthy man with his whole life ahead would be expected to give way to some old biddy who may well have a heart attack a week later.
I know fit older people and two lads in their 20`s with a heart attack each.
Both non smokers and non drinkers, not overweight.

However you look at this it s always women and children first. Put it another way the "fit" younger person (and it could be a female when the life boat is full) who have to use a life jacket have just as good a chance unless its the freezing Atlantic.

And where was I arguing about children first?
You seem to be getting confused with each reply.
However you look at this it s always women and children first. Put it another way the "fit" younger person (and it could be a female when the life boat is full) who have to use a life jacket have just as good a chance unless its the freezing Atlantic

That's the whole point! :rolleyes: When you plan for future disaster mitigation scenarios you plan for worst case situations. So.....the ship is going down in the middle of a freezing ocean. Rescue is hours or days away. Anyone who doesn't get on that lifeboat is fishfood no matter how big, strong or healthy.
Why should an old woman who has had her life take precedence over a young man who hasn't?
Why should she not. She could be a leading heart surgeon. With a few years left in saving people, him a waster druggie. ( Think we have come full circle again).

Cannot see a worst case scenario coming up with freezing water in the Bahamas. ;)
And where was I arguing aboutchildren first? You seem to be getting confused with each reply.
This is like trying to have a grown up discussion with a ten year old. The reason I mentioned that no one is arguing against kids first was because you brought up the totally irrelevant point that children could be male or female.
The confusion is all yours. :rolleyes:
No you brought up gender.
Have another look.

You insisted males were getting the raw deal :mrgreen:
But your being better than a 10 year old, so stop putting yourself down. :cool:
I stand corrected.....It's like trying to have a grown up discussion with a backward ten year old. :rolleyes:
No you brought up gender. Have another look.
I brought up gender when I started the thread, the whole point of the thread is about fckn GENDER. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
It may be sooey that is just a phrase that we 'accept' and always assume to be true.
It is not an actual 'law' and should the situation occur again in reality it might just be whoever manges to get in the queue for the lifeboats first.

I did fancy a world cruise but I think I have gone right off the idea now :confused:
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