Concentration camps

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So joe you are no longer claiming that the 12 million would stretch around the equator , changing the facts to meet your theories again just blows holes in your entire argument.

The remains of 12 million people is actually less than 3 days of waste taken to landfill from london.

So when you look at it in that perspective spread over several years its not the massive amount you seem to think it is especially as it could be spread all over europe
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Did i read that you believed the Holocaust did happen?

Yes but not in the way that it portrayed. Israel was compensation - so it had to be pretty dramatic. If they were just one of several persecuted groups then that wouldn't be enough would it?

So, are we to assume you've read something/being persuaded in the last couple of weeks to make you come to the conclusion that yes, it did occur?
So joe you are no longer claiming that the 12 million would stretch around the equator , changing the facts to meet your theories again just blows holes in your entire argument.

The remains of 12 million people is actually less than 3 days of waste taken to landfill from london.

So when you look at it in that perspective spread over several years its not the massive amount you seem to think it is especially as it could be spread all over europe

So where the killings made? How were the cremations carried out? Why were there no aerial photos of funeral pyres? Why no magnetic traces of fire? Where did the fuel come from? Where is this massive quarry that doesn't show on any aerial photo? Why is is still 'lost'? Why does no-one remember it?

Over to you. ;)

Did i read that you believed the Holocaust did happen?

Yes but not in the way that it portrayed. Israel was compensation - so it had to be pretty dramatic. If they were just one of several persecuted groups then that wouldn't be enough would it?

So, are we to assume you've read something/being persuaded in the last couple of weeks to make you come to the conclusion that yes, it did occur?

I read with an open mind. The balance of probability shifts according to research and common sense. You were brainwashed from birth. ;)
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A question for Alumni:

Are you saying that The Krakow Institute and Dr Piper are liars?

If you are not then you have to accept the findings of Fred L.

There are no two ways about it.

Do you call the Krakow Institute and Dr Piper liars?

Yes or no?

Did i read that you believed the Holocaust did happen?

Yes but not in the way that it portrayed. Israel was compensation - so it had to be pretty dramatic. If they were just one of several persecuted groups then that wouldn't be enough would it?

So, are we to assume you've read something/being persuaded in the last couple of weeks to make you come to the conclusion that yes, it did occur?

I read with an open mind. The balance of probability shifts according to research and common sense. You were brainwashed from birth. ;)

I just wondered because when you were last asked if the Holocaust happened you replied
"Dunno - there is no evidence either way..."

Read more: //

So it would appear something has made you change your mind.
That means an open mind mate. I can't find definitive proof either way. Common sense tells me there has been a gross exaggeration for political purposes.
That means an open mind mate. I can't find definitive proof either way. Common sense tells me there has been a gross exaggeration for political purposes.
But you've gone from a "dunno" to a "yes". - your words.

How many people died in the holocaust?

12 million? 6 million? YOU tell me.

Tell me right here and right now how many people YOU think died in the Holocaust.
In February 1990, Professor Jan Markiewicz, director of The Institute for Forensic Research (IFRC) in Kraków conducted a fair experiment where iron compounds were excluded.[6] Given that the ruins of the gas chambers at Birkenau have been washed by a column of water at least 35m in height based on climatological records since 1945,[7]:Introduction Markiewicz and his team were not optimistic at being able to detect cyanides so many years later; nevertheless, having the legal permission to obtain samples, they collected some from areas as sheltered from the elements as possible.[4]

Leuchter's report states that the small amounts of cyanide he detected in the ruins of the crematoria are merely the result of fumigation. However the IFRC points out that the controlled samples they took from living areas which may have been fumigated only once as part of the 1942 typhus epidemic tested negative for cyanide, and that the typhus epidemic occurred before the crematoria at Birkenau even existed.[7]:Final Remarks
The ruins of the Crematorium II gas chamber at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Accordingly, the IFRC demonstrated that cyanides were present in all of the facilities where it is claimed that they were exposed, i.e. all five crematoria, the cellars of Block 11 and the delousing facilities.[4] Critics state that any attempt to demonstrate that the crematoria could not have functioned as homicidal gas chambers on the basis that they were not exposed to cyanide is unsuccessful, given that its presence in what remains of these facilities is incontrovertible,[5] and write that all of the gas chambers were exposed to cyanide at levels higher than background levels elsewhere in the camp, such as living areas, where no cyanides at all were detected.[4] In addition, tests conducted at Auschwitz in 1945 revealed the presence of cyanides on ventilation grilles found in the ruins of Crematorium II (thus also demonstrating that the Leuchter report was not the first forensic examination of the camp as purported in the title of the London edition).[5] Due to Leuchter's ignorance of the large disparity between the amounts of cyanide necessary to kill humans and lice, instead of disproving the homicidal use of gas chambers, the small amounts of cyanide which Leuchter detected actually tended to confirm it.[8]
Joe what bit of my previous statement do you find it hard to understand i have not said if one way or another whether i think 12 million where killed or how they where disposed off .

What i am doing is trying to get you to prove your statements with fact as you seem to want others to do ,
But so far you have not and are even back tracking on what you have previously said.

If you are going to argue at least get what you are saying correct because it just makes you look even more stupid than the majority already think you are.

You argument is based on google and you cant even google the circumference of the earth correctly and you expect others to believe everything else you put :rolleyes:

Where did the 12 million go - you tell me eh? 24 cities the size of Liverpool.
You tell me where.

They didn't even mention them at the Nuremberg trials - not even under torture did they ever admit to the 12 million.

If you can't say where they went? Then we'll have to assume that they simply emigrated or never existed in the first instance.

Keep on about the earth's circumference if you like - it keeps the figures up. It doesn't reduce the 12 million either. ;)
I read with an open mind. The balance of probability shifts according to research and common sense. You were brainwashed from birth. ;)

What do you mean i was brainwashed from birth?

You were brought up to believe something is true that isn't true.

Children learn from their parents and peers without using any logic to check the information as they are too young. It's usually referred to as 'hard wiring'. Richard Dawkins talks about it in regard to evolution.
In February 1990, Professor Jan Markiewicz, director of The Institute for Forensic Research (IFRC) in Kraków conducted a fair experiment where iron compounds were excluded.[6] Given that the ruins of the gas chambers at Birkenau have been washed by a column of water at least 35m in height based on climatological records since 1945,[7]:Introduction Markiewicz and his team were not optimistic at being able to detect cyanides so many years later; nevertheless, having the legal permission to obtain samples, they collected some from areas as sheltered from the elements as possible.[4]

Leuchter's report states that the small amounts of cyanide he detected in the ruins of the crematoria are merely the result of fumigation. However the IFRC points out that the controlled samples they took from living areas which may have been fumigated only once as part of the 1942 typhus epidemic tested negative for cyanide, and that the typhus epidemic occurred before the crematoria at Birkenau even existed.[7]:Final Remarks
The ruins of the Crematorium II gas chamber at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Accordingly, the IFRC demonstrated that cyanides were present in all of the facilities where it is claimed that they were exposed, i.e. all five crematoria, the cellars of Block 11 and the delousing facilities.[4] Critics state that any attempt to demonstrate that the crematoria could not have functioned as homicidal gas chambers on the basis that they were not exposed to cyanide is unsuccessful, given that its presence in what remains of these facilities is incontrovertible,[5] and write that all of the gas chambers were exposed to cyanide at levels higher than background levels elsewhere in the camp, such as living areas, where no cyanides at all were detected.[4] In addition, tests conducted at Auschwitz in 1945 revealed the presence of cyanides on ventilation grilles found in the ruins of Crematorium II (thus also demonstrating that the Leuchter report was not the first forensic examination of the camp as purported in the title of the London edition).[5] Due to Leuchter's ignorance of the large disparity between the amounts of cyanide necessary to kill humans and lice, instead of disproving the homicidal use of gas chambers, the small amounts of cyanide which Leuchter detected actually tended to confirm it.[8][/QUOTE]

This is a typical case of trying to make the facts fit the evidence.

So Dr Piper is a liar then? You simply believe what you want to believe.
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