Positive Discrimination - Positive Action

Someone who classes himself as a "philanthropist in the literal sense" is definitely a hypocrite.
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Re-termed but still actually discriminates in favour of ethic minorities for the greater good. That's the point being made to you, over and over again.
There really is something wrong with your logic. :rolleyes:
Discrimination against a whole ethnicity, simply because they are different or "the majority" is pure discrimination. Something that you cannot accuse me of. It is the same as racism, or prejudice, i.e. a belief in one ethnicity being superior to another. And it is illegal!

Positive Action, on the other hand, is about improving the disadvantaged in any society and in specific circumstances, not just simply throughout society. That would be discrimination. Postive Action is something that I mistakenly continued to describe as Positive Discrimination, when BT mentioned it and something that I had previously accurately described as Positive Action. I knew what I meant, but I mistakenly continued to use another's terminology. I recognised my mistake and corrected it. Something which you consistently refuse to do and continue with the broken record technique. That technique is useful when you're right but embarrassing when you're wrong.

But I can't really expect you to accept or recognise that because you simply can't differentiate between one or the other. You're just blindly continuing with the same old false accusation over and over and over again.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Interesting also that you only dropped your support of discrimination when you found out the EHRC dropped it, otherwise you'd still be saying it was fine.
Precisely, because the EHRC is better terminology and allows for the wholesale denouncement of discrimination in any form. I repeat: I recognised my mistake way back on Page 13 and corrected it.

That is, it's fine for you when it's whites that are the ones being discriminated against.
Now you've gone from being extremely annoying for repeating ad nauseam the same fallacious argument, to an absurd accusation. You're very fortunate that this is an anonymous social media site otherwise I would be pursuing a libel action.
Because it is an anonymous social media site, you are free to accuse anyone of anything, but it doesn't give you any more integrity, nor make your arguments any more accurate.
You can accuse me of anything, but I'm bored with your baseless accusations over and over and over again. :evil:

Maybe a clearer summary of your opinion is that you support the reduction of white peoples' power in this country, whether that is achieved by discrimination against them or by other means, and not simply that you are against discrimination towards anyone, as you have claimed but we have proved to be untrue now.
You can’t find a reasonable argument for yourself without endless repetitions of same old, same old, so if I want a clear summary of my opinion, I’ll do it myself, thank you. You've just tried and made an absurd mess of it.

The zealous nature of your arguments against ethnic discrimination has only made your approval of white discrimination stand out even more to show what you are - a hypocrite.
I suggest you read that back to yourself, see if you understand it. Your first phrase mentions my zealous nature against discrimination, followed by your phrase of my approval of discrimination. Make up your mind. You've gone round in so many circles you don't know which way you're going youself. :rolleyes:

Since you like quotes, there is one I read that unfortunately I can't find the source for but it goes something like this "You can tell the measure of a man's intellect by observing how diverse his opinion is on the same subject, when the question is framed in a different way"
Probably ‘cos you just made it up.
Never mind, here’s a real quote:
You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him to find it within himself. Galileo
I can't teach you anything, but sadly you can't find it yourself. :LOL: :LOL:
"I did support Positive Discimination"

Good to see you admitting to being a racist. I guess you learnt that from the froggies.
And then you have the gall to try and lecture everyone on here.

What do you do for a living friendo?
You wouldn't know one end of a sensible sentence from the other.
If you want to prove me wrong, try giving us your definition of "racism" and compare it with "discrimination".

I'll give you a clue: both have been defined previously in this thread.

When you can string some reasonable coherent sentences together I may converse with you, until then......carry on. :rolleyes:
"You're very fortunate that this is an anonymous social media site otherwise I would be pursuing a libel action"

You come across as a real to**er at times on here. :LOL:
How's that for "coherent?

Are you still handing screen shots to the police? :LOL:
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Re-termed but still actually discriminates in favour of ethic minorities for the greater good. That's the point being made to you, over and over again.
There really is something wrong with your logic. :rolleyes:
Discrimination against a whole ethnicity, simply because they are different or "the majority" is pure discrimination. Something that you cannot accuse me of. It is the same as racism, or prejudice, i.e. a belief in one ethnicity being superior to another. And it is illegal!

This is at the centre of your misunderstanding of the subject. Discrimination is not the same as racism. Discrimination has a far narrower definition, ie to pick one over the other. An employer can pick a black man for a job because he is black, and not actually believe that blacks are superior to whites, meaning he is not actually racist, but has still discriminated on grounds of race. Another employer may discriminate against a lesser qualified individual, which is acceptable. Discrimination itself is merely a tool, what matters is on what grounds you discriminate.

Positive action suggests discrimination on grounds of ethnicity in "tie break" situations, but avoids legal issues by warning against a blanket policy of ethnicity preference.

IMO this is still wrong.

The zealous nature of your arguments against ethnic discrimination has only made your approval of white discrimination stand out even more to show what you are - a hypocrite.
I suggest you read that back to yourself, see if you understand it. Your first phrase mentions my zealous nature against discrimination, followed by your phrase of my approval of discrimination. Make up your mind. You've gone round in so many circles you don't know which way you're going youself. :rolleyes:

Your poor reading comprehension has highlighted this point. You approve of some discrimination but not others.
Coathanger. Norcon asked you a simple question, enquiring about your occupation.

Will you answer his question? (He won't)
"You're very fortunate that this is an anonymous social media site otherwise I would be pursuing a libel action"

You come across as a real to**er at times on here. :LOL:
How's that for "coherent?

Are you still handing screen shots to the police? :LOL:

You can't continually accuse someone of behaving illegally, without complaining about the consequences. Cajar is continually accusing me of discrimination, which is illegal.

Now if I and/or he were identifiable a libel action could be pursued, like it or not.

Unfortunately for you, I can accuse you of being stupid. Being stupid is not against the law otherwise your very existence would be illegal. :rolleyes:
If, however I accuse you of acting illegally, I'd better be sure of my case othewise the accusation itself might be unlawful.
"Cajar is continually accusing me of discrimination, which I am guilty off"

Re-termed but still actually discriminates in favour of ethic minorities for the greater good. That's the point being made to you, over and over again.
There really is something wrong with your logic. :rolleyes:
Discrimination against a whole ethnicity, simply because they are different or "the majority" is pure discrimination. Something that you cannot accuse me of. It is the same as racism, or prejudice, i.e. a belief in one ethnicity being superior to another. And it is illegal!

This is at the centre of your misunderstanding of the subject. Discrimination is not the same as racism.
How do you know that? Oh yes I told you so a few pages back because you couldn't tell the difference. I even provided the definitions for you. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
FFS, get a grip. :evil: :evil:
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