What Is The Most Beautiful Thing In The World ?

Creation is the most beautiful thing, though it is full of pleasures and hardships and sadness and happiness all in one bundle.

I love cats, but i can't stand them ripping other creatures to shreds, I see wild life programmes and I see nature at work, it really is very sad to see how one animal becomes food for another. and same goes for humans too, I can't stand one man killing another, a child or baby suffering, I do not take pleasure out of it, sadly there is only so much I can do to stop all suffering, I always jump into action if I see I can stop something nasty happening, that is human instinct we all have.
Do you eat meat, or buy brands such as domestos and timote shampoo? Because cruelty and death is everywhere, mostly at the hand of man.
You gotta ask why god invented this whole circle of life where we have to eat each other to live. Pretty cruel plan to me, survival of the fittest and all that and then because that attitude is in place in order to live then we sin?
Totally agree, I wish God had created all creatures including us eat grass! God has a few faults too, no one is perfect!
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God has a few faults too, no one is perfect!
Then answer me this, why are there so many people ready to accept the views, live their lives from rules cast in stone, cast by something who isn't perfect? And why, in the name of religion, are people so unforgiving of others when they sin or make errors when god himself/herself/itself makes mistakes too?
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Grass can have feelings if it possesses brain cells but other than it is a just a process of nature when the right conditions persist, it grows out of earth. I can't answer all the questions can I with my limited knowledge, but sure enough it is so obvious that someone is behind this creation. Don't need proof for this for myself.
They neededn't have died if western advanced civilisations cared for poor African countries where they cannot afford cost of medicine manufactured in western labs.

Nor if a god hadn't decided to create a disease that kills millions.

What a pity western medicine was not available thirty thousand years ago, or more. The disease certainly was. Next time I murder someone, I'll blame the NHS for not saving my victim. They're guilty, not me. Right, Mike?
John you have not tried to understand who God is hence your perception of God is no doubt totally wrong and you have
been badly mislead.

Let me give you an example, Did your wife bake a nice cake? Did she create a beautiful cake?
The answer is No., even if she baked it she did not make that cake, a whole series of processes took place in order for that cake to be made, let us start with growing wheat first, for that we need farming methods, water, heat and light from sun and seeds from a seed store, the seed germinates, and the wheat grows and produces grain, we harness grain, grind it down, for that we need stone mill, some clever nut invented it, and needed wood and stone, and get energy driven by water wheel, or wind mill, we then take that home, sieve it, we then need to have some hens who provide eggs, unless you prefer eggless cakes, hens have a load of work to do to produce eggs, they need all the elements found in earth, and garbage hens eat, we then have to mix egg and water and now we need some baking powder to make our cake fluffy and light, or use yeast, we need to allow that yeast to fermentat, then we need an oven, find some wood and light fire somehow using friction or you could borrow my cigarette lighter, then allow the oven to attain temperature and you then shove that mix in the oven, don't forget to add some sugar, where do you get that from? and how is sugar made? I really haven't a clue, but in the end you also need a cow to give you some milk so that you can make some butter, and mix it with icing sugar to decorate your cake, so whilst you might say your wife made that cake, but in essence she didn't, same way God did not make germs and viruses, someone else made them.
I have always said God is Energy, and energy is behind Creation, can you speak with energy? can you see energy? can you hear energy? the answer to all these questions is NO, you cannot and Energy cannot speak either, so anyone who claims they heard God speak to them is crazy, but indeed God (the Energy) created things that spoke, that can be seen, that can be heard, and that can be spoken to, so clearly all religions are fake and man made.
You seem to be telling me that the God of your imagination is not the creator.

Most of the other gods are, so you seem to have made a poor choice.
No I did not say God of my imagination is not the creator, he is the creator, everything emanated from himself (the Energy) but after that everything else developed through various processes such as baking that cake for example. Planets forming, life evolving, intelligence developing, conscious coming into scene as a by product of intelligence. So those who are conscious of things, how they feel pain, happiness and sadness, are intelligent people, those who don't care about living things and their suffering are unintelligent lot. Animals don't have conscious, they rip each other apart without mercy, and those among humans who rip other humans cannot be any better than animals can they?
I can't help wondering if JD would be questioning your beliefs BB if you were a muslim.

thats becuase the devil hates Gods word, christianity reveals and exposes, all other religions,are dead.
i dont mind being questioned,and i cannot answer all of them, its the attacks that make it hard, becuase attacks are unfruitfull,and just winds people up.
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