Right-Wing press circulates fake news

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Goodness gracious, can such a thing be possible?

"In a now deleted article, German tabloid Bild claimed that a “mob” of “50 Arab men” and “masses” of migrants had formed a “sex mob” and attacked woman all over Frankfurt. They included a quote from an unnamed 27 year old woman describing her assault. This woman is also now being investigated. The other witness, a local restaurant owner, claimed he wished to go to the press because he disliked local politicians claiming it was a successful night. He provided most of the details on the size of the crowd. Bild have now issued an apology and a retraction.

The story was then reported on as fact by a number of right wing “news” websites including
Breitbart. Breitbart went further however, attacking the Frankfurt police for claiming that “the night went off without a hitch.” They went on to claim that hundreds of migrants had travelled to the city to attend celebrations, offering estimates between 900 and 1900.

In a now deleted article the Daily Express also republished the story. They have since edited the story, publishing a correction and that there has been a retraction but refusing to retract the original allegations."

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who cares ??
Certainly not the RWR now they realise that the public know it's not a true story. No, what the RWR will be doing is looking for other stories - jumping on them and spouting the nonsense before these get shown to be made up.
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Certainly not the RWR now they realise that the public know it's not a true story. No, what the RWR will be doing is looking for other stories - jumping on them and spouting the nonsense before these get shown to be made up.

just like you then noseall ;):)
just like you then noseall ;):)
Sky news is not in the habit of reporting fake news boyo. The RWR actually go out of their way to dredge up their bull s hit.
Not surprising that the DM jumped on the story. Horrific rag. Horrific audience.
Sky news is not in the habit of reporting fake news boyo. The RWR actually go out of their way to dredge up their bull s hit.
Not surprising that the DM jumped on the story. Horrific rag. Horrific audience.

So sky news never gets it wrong then ?

you john D & wanna b him again will dredge up plenty of iffy news to suit your propaganda

Blimey Joe goebels would have loved to have had "wanna be Him again" on his propaganda team :)
So sky news never gets it wrong then ?
That's not what I said. If I see a dodgy story I will look to other news agencies for verification.
There are fake stories out there. Some people (especially those on GD) actively seek them.
That's not what I said. If I see a dodgy story I will look to other news agencies for verification.
There are fake stories out there. Some people (especially those on GD) actively seek them.

providing it suits your agenda ;):) if it does not ?well ? lets ignore it ???

what about the Cologne assaults on woman ,have u looked into it ? is it fake news ? BBC & Sky get it wrong ?? ;)
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What about it? Why would I?

Maybe you should ask the thread author what he thinks.

Lies have a way of coming to the surface - a bit like scum.

Well I dunno noseall it may be lies ? fake news ? and u are a seeker of the truth ? ;):)

Truth is a bit like scum as well eventually it comes to the surface ;)

ask the thread author :LOL: I know what he thinks
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ignored "member" :rolleyes: (want to be him again)

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Well I dunno noseall it may be lies ? fake news ? and u are a seeker of the truth ? ;):)
You think that by correcting the dumb RWR on here makes me an arbiter of ALL news stories around the world?
You're getting confused again boyo
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