Popular working from home jobs

12 Apr 2011
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United Kingdom
Hi Folks

Can you give me any ideas about popular work from home jobs that can produce a reasonable income so that it equates to a full time job wage?

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I'd suggest looking for something less popular, otherwise, you'll be competing with more people, for potentially lower return.
Un-poplar jobs command more money ( Brigadier got to post before me ) and the skills you have will also have a major influence of the types of jobs you can do in a way that makes money.

It is working from home ( you travel to jobs ) or working at home ( the work comes to you ) ?
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Place an advert in Exchange&Mart (showing my age here.....) offering 'get rich quick scheme, foolproof' or similar..... for full details send me £25 (say)

When the white fivers start mounting up, divulge the big secret to the punters. and that's all I can say, for 'wishing to stay out of jail reasons'

Beats working for a living?, seriously, if there was an easy way to make money we'd all be doing it.
What do you do at the minute, how old are you, what are your qualifications, and what sort of income do you need.
One of the girls that work with my son's girlfriend in a vetinary practice earns a bit extra on the side by.........selling her worn, dirty knickers! Forty quid a time she reckons. :eek:

Bound to be a few pervs out there that are into men's skiddy's!
Back to the OP's question, their are a fair few IT jobs that are home based. Website development springs to mind, but that is quite a crowded space now. Some developer jobs can be comfortably accommodated by home working.
Surely ANY office work could be carried out at (from?) home.

Billions could be saved on transport, wasted time and property.
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