Petrol/Diesel ban from 2040

14 Jan 2005
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United Kingdom
Another bright idea not fully thought through.

There are currently 25million cars registered in the UK. If replaced 1 for 1, each will require its own charging point for overnight charging. If it takes 20Kwh to fully charge just one electric car, the demand from our national grid will be astronomical.

The sun doesn't shine at night. The wind doesn't always blow. No doubt National Grid will install additional back up generation to meet this demand........using diesel generators....duh!
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I'm worried about tripping over all those extension cables that will be littering the pavements at night, caused by those who don't have drives or garages for their cars.

Health & safety could thwart this daft plan before it gets off the ground.

Whoever thought diesels would be good for the environment was either stupid or a liar. Seeing as it was NuLabour, probably both. First good step would be reversing the trend for private cars to be diesel powered. When only commercials had diesel engines and cars ran on petrol, environmental particulate pollution was a lot lower.
I'm worried about tripping over all those extension cables that will be littering the pavements at night, caused by those who don't have drives or garages for their cars.

Round here in urban Surrey, few people have off road parking with access to power. Will there be inductive loops (?) in the kerbs?
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I had the idea there would be charging posts like parking meters at the side of the road. As they will incorporate an intelligent connect-and-bill function, I suppose they could discourage hogging with a modest per-hour fee.

But if you have off-road parking close to your house, wouldn't you want to have your own charging point? Screwed to the wall of the house, perhaps?

if batteries get small enough and light enough, you could carry it indoors like a briefcase.
long before 2040, there will be one.

AFAIK there is already a standard European connector (but not in USA)
I had the idea there would be charging posts like parking meters at the side of the road.
Can you really see that happening?

...and drunks wouldn't go round unplugging them, would they?

What's for dinner?

if only there was some way of locking things.
I had the idea there would be charging posts like parking meters at the side of the road. As they will incorporate an intelligent connect-and-bill function, I suppose they could discourage hogging with a modest per-hour fee.
At the moment, it costs the electric car owner absolutely nothing to use any charging station up and down the country. Not sure that this will be the case after 2040 ( I highly suspect that it won't be free, once there are a great number of electric vehicles on the road)
I do hope they improve the cars - the longer a battery lasts, the more expensive the car. I don't much fancy having to stop and charge my car up every 50-100 miles. And again, depending on the battery and the charger used, it can take up to 12 hours to charge a car.

Great for long journeys huh?
At the moment, it costs the electric car owner absolutely nothing to use any charging station up and down the country

Don't think so, you'll notice a credit card slot at the charging point. There have been a lot of accusations of serious rate hikes at the charging points, making it about 4 times as expensive as petrol or diesel.
reality will start to dawn on these fruit cakes & it will all be altered prior to 2040 ;)

same as some of the building regs that ban gas in new builds by 20?????? or when ever

all made prior to finding out that we are sitting on massive reserves of shale gas :)

global warming may be good thing for some (?) , bloke on the telley in Greenland is growing strawberrys in his garden :) he is happy
Don't think so, you'll notice a credit card slot at the charging point. There have been a lot of accusations of serious rate hikes at the charging points, making it about 4 times as expensive as petrol or diesel.
Hmmm I apologise. Apparently there are a few charging stations which cost nothing (if you can find them) (so much for taking notice of Cap'n Slow on The Grand Tour ehh) According to the research I have now done, you could charge your vehicle at home for an average cost of £2 -£4 for 100 miles charge. At the hospital I work at , there are a couple of charging stations which are free (at the moment) Just wish I had a Nissan Leaf. There are other considerations for electric vehicles though. A Nissan Leaf will lose about 66% of it's value in the first year. A charger (to charge it at home ) is somewhere in the region of £1000 (not sure if these are supplied with the vehicle from new though)
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