US Tax Cuts Plan - Kleptocracy

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But that's where you are going wrong.
I started by replying to you asking where there had ever been a communist or Marxist government.

That is, a true communist or Marxist government, not some incorrect name like the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

I just like the truth and words to mean what they actually mean.

All you are saying is similar to "Hitler was right wing, better not vote Conservative".

What is the opposite of "A rose by any other name..."?

That is, if we call Corbyn and McDonnell by nasty names, that must be what they are.

I think this paragraph answers that quite nicely:

''Communism as a political-economic doctrine centralizes massive power in the hands of very few, who we are always assured have the very best intentions. It is inherently totalitarian, which is why communist states so often end up as totalitarian dictatorships. How stupid does person have to be to continue to believe that they just didn't implement Marx's ideas correctly when communists turn whatever country they've seized control of into another hellhole?''

Sorry EFL but I've lost a little respect for you over this.
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lol shockingly found a real photo (Warning this is real and not photoshopped):

View attachment 131957


there u go the blokes a commie :eek: no 2 ways about it ;)

then again most of the EU states are either X commie states or fascist states ;)

and they lecture or dictate to us , the only country in Europe that has been democratic for what the last 100 odd years or more
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haha, the right-wing nutters are pouring out Daily Wail tripe again!

They're only talking to each other. All normal people by repelled by such nonsense.
poor old roger is blindingly out of touch!
''Communism as a political-economic doctrine centralizes massive power in the hands of very few, who we are always assured have the very best intentions. It is inherently totalitarian, which is why communist states so often end up as totalitarian dictatorships. How stupid does person have to be to continue to believe that they just didn't implement Marx's ideas correctly when communists turn whatever country they've seized control of into another hellhole?''

Doesn't that emphasize my point?
Yes, I don't deny that.

Isn't everybody with an iota of common sense?

Me too, ridiculous anachronism. What annoys me though I say I am against the monarchy as an institution I am on no way advocating any kind of forced removal. Still as I am in the minority I will accept it.
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