Contempt of Parliament

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
what a caper and a load of ball cocks Who cares ?

Contempt of parliament :LOL:
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So you care not about the rule of law?

But hey, if that's the type of country you want to 'get back' then you will inevitably reap what you sow!
what a caper and a load of ball cocks Who cares ?

Contempt of parliament :LOL:

It does seem overblown and like a good day out for the press; otherwise it's pretty much run of the mill.
What law is this?
What is contempt of parliament?
What is the punishment for this?
Who has been punished or this before?

Ellal will know for sure...... :)
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What law is this?
What is contempt of parliament?
What is the punishment for this?
Who has been punished or this before?

Ellal will know for sure...... :)
Well maybe if you don't understand you ought to ask transam?

After all...

We live in a Parliamentry democracy , so it is only proper that Parliament (commons) have the final say ?
Contempt of court ? If guilty could end up with a prison sentence or a fine ?

Contempt of parliament ? Hmmm can we expect a minister or government to be charged with an offence :LOL:

Tis a load of ball cocks :LOL:

Legal advice to a client is and should be confidential

Obviously not in this case perhaps when some remoaner consults a solicitor over some issue they should make there advice public for all to see :LOL: the remoaner dip sticks on here will be happy

Gina Miller fought for this and the Judges who agreed were castigated as being traitors.

Irony that Brexiteers are complaining about contempt yet if Miller did not win her verdict then May could have passed her Deal with a nod. Rees Mogg was the one unhappy with the Miller verdict.

The government is in contempt of Parliament as it has not published the AG advice in full. This is Parliament taking back control.
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