
23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
An alien concept here it seems, but nevertheless...

Given the mess we are undoubtedly in, whether you are a quitter or a remainer - what would you compromise on?

To start the ball rolling...

Ideally I'd like article 50 to be revoked, and the status quo to remain...

But I'd have two compromise options.

1. Accept the Norway plus option.
It means we leave the EU, but retain access to the market and keeps freedom of movement.
Political separation and essentially a return to EEC days, but with a few tweaks.

2. Another referendum*. But with provisos!
Given that many feel more informed, and of course many have entrenched views...
Make the next referendum legally binding.
And legislate that the issue doesn't get visited again for a lengthy period of time, unless the majority in parliament is the same as that required to alter GE timings as in the Fixed-Term Parliaments Act.


*Edit: The question being the negotiated deal or remain
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I fully agree with all of that.

revoke A50 -best option
2nd ref -2nd option
3rd Norway deal

The difficult thing we have now is that leavers have long since stopped discussing the actual practicalities of Brexit: huge disadvantages v minor advantages.......

They have moved the narrative to a mixture of 'we need to get on with it' or 'parliament is thwarting the will of the people'. Its like a country wide strawman argument.
If another referendum were to be an option I'd like to see it asked in two parts, on the basis a deal has been agreed in parliament between the UK and EU

First question being leave or remain.
Second question being deal or no deal.

As for what type of deal if it were a certainty, if we are to believe Barnier given the UKs red lines, there's very little on the table.

If you're going to a Norway deal then there really is little point in leaving at all.
No 2. Put it back to the people now everyone is more informed.
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Whether a leaver or a remainer, I would suspect the cross party attitude of party over country (and by default, themselves) rather than what is actually best for the country has been the most distasteful aspect of this farce. Politics is most definitely broken.
If we have another referendum, it has to say what we're voting for. That's the trouble with the last one.

You can't say "would you rather get married or stay single" without saying who the wife will be.

People assumed Brexit would be Claudia Schiffer, but it turned out to be Jo Brand.

Rice-Pudd wants us to marry the Incredible Hulk. Buffoon says we'll find out after we leave the registry office.
If another referendum were to be an option I'd like to see it asked in two parts, on the basis a deal has been agreed in parliament between the UK and EU

First question being leave or remain.
Second question being deal or no deal.
So just out of interest, would you like both questions on a single ballot paper?

Or a two part referendum with the second question only being asked later if leave was the first result?

Because the difficulty as I see it (were it to be on a single ballot paper), would be that both questions would be mired in the same type of confusion as we have now!
So just out of interest, would you like both questions on a single ballot paper?

Or a two part referendum with the second question only being asked later if leave was the first result?

Because the difficulty as I see it (were it to be on a single ballot paper), would be that both questions would be mired in the same type of confusion as we have now!

Simply, one ballot.

Would you like to:
A) Leave the EU
B) Remain within the EU

If leave won a majority, would you rather:
A) Leave with [Agreed Deal]
B) Leave with no deal (Hard Brexit).

Part B would be dismissed entirely if the majority voted for remain in the first question.

You could do it in two ballots but for sake of time and delivery I think it's possible for one ballot to work.
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But then if Leave won but Leave options A or B didn’t get as many votes as the original Remain then we would have years more squabbling.
But then if Leave won but Leave options A or B didn’t get as many votes as the original Remain then we would have years more squabbling.
And if Leave won, but remainers voted for a 'deal' and that won what then?

Or if remain won but the results of the second showed a win for 'no deal', also what then?
Part B would be dismissed entirely if the majority voted for remain in the first question.
But the result could never be held secret, thus opening up a whole new can of worms if a close result ensued...

You could do it in two ballots but for sake of time and delivery I think it's possible for one ballot to work.
Time and delivery...

A bit ironic worrying about those given three wasted years!

Votes on consecutive weeks as some countries do with their 'run off' elections?
And if Leave won, but remainers voted for a 'deal' and that won what then?

Or if remain won but the results of the second showed a win for 'no deal', also what then?

If Leave won Remainers would moan, if Remain won the second question would be null and void.

Probably best to have them apart as you say.
And if Leave won, but remainers voted for a 'deal' and that won what then?

The result of the second could only be of importance of the first question had a majority leave vote.

If the majority vote remain then the second question has no impact.
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