Shock news! Boris Lies (again)

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15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Boris Johnson was wrong to claim there was polling evidence that a no-deal Brexit was the public's preferred option, the press regulator has ruled.

Ipso ordered the Daily Telegraph to print a correction after finding the MP's column was inaccurate.

The claim was made in a piece headlined "The British people won't be scared into backing a woeful Brexit deal nobody voted for" in January."

In its defence, the Torygraph admitted that Boris is known to be an unreliable source that talks nonsense, because they said his articles "would not be read as a "serious, empirical, in-depth analysis of hard factual matters".

That, at least, is true.
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I honestly didn’t know there’d be any kind of a 'leaving deal'. I genuinely thought I was voting for the UK to end all ties with the EU when I voted leave so as far as I was concerned, that was the only option.
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telling lies is boring
Quite the contrary, the RWR get very excited with lies and fakery. It's only when it's pointed out to them when it is not true, that it becomes boring. It's the only excitement the gammons get, bless 'em.
Quite the contrary, the RWR get very excited with lies and fakery. It's only when it's pointed out to them when it is not true, that it becomes boring. It's the only excitement the gammons get, bless 'em.

You're on a roll today. :mrgreen:
I often hear it said 'we need a leaver in charge, to go back to Brussels and negotiate a better deal'

So people like Boris and JRM are popular.
I often hear it said 'we need a leaver in charge, to go back to Brussels and negotiate a better deal'

So people like Boris and JRM are popular.

The problem with that approach is negotiations would break down leading to No Deal and then Parliament has pretty much rejected that so we are back to square one. Around and around we go, we are becoming a laughing stock. Instead of leading the world on important issues we seem to have tied ourselves in knots with Brexit.

Brexit if it ends with a tortured exit will not help our standing in the world. Just think about it - say we have a soft or muddled exit or even a hard one- everyone will see it as the UK waning influence - we did not get what we set out to get.

It's like Donalds current Trade War - all he has done is harm sectors in the US. Did Foxconn build those factories in the US after they were given billions in Corporate Benefits - Nope. There is need to redress trade imbalances but it's not through trade wars. The US and UK needs to address more pressing issues at home but they seem hell bent on denying that by thinking the problem is and external one. Unfortunately it's easier for Politicians to blame someone else for the problems than themselves.
The problem with that approach is negotiations would break down leading to No Deal and then Parliament has pretty much rejected that so we are back to square one. Around and around we go, we are becoming a laughing stock. Instead of leading the world on important issues we seem to have tied ourselves in knots with Brexit.

Brexit if it ends with a tortured exit will not help our standing in the world. Just think about it - say we have a soft or muddled exit or even a hard one- everyone will see it as the UK waning influence - we did not get what we set out to get.

It's like Donalds current Trade War - all he has done is harm sectors in the US. Did Foxconn build those factories in the US after they were given billions in Corporate Benefits - Nope. There is need to redress trade imbalances but it's not through trade wars. The US and UK needs to address more pressing issues at home but they seem hell bent on denying that by thinking the problem is and external one. Unfortunately it's easier for Politicians to blame someone else for the problems than themselves.
America is booming under Trump.
The UK could be great again after brexit but it won't because remainers are to afraid of life life after the EU.
Most remainers suffer from a national form of the Stockholm syndrome, even though their country is being ripped off and humiliated by the EU they still cling to notion that the EU really loves them.
The loss of national self confidence is palpable everywhere you look.
The union of the UK and the EU now resembles the Union of Scotland and the UK.
Most Scots I suspect would be quite happy as an independent state however the fear of having to survive outside the comfort zone of the Union makes them wary of voting to leave.
The constant moaning from the remainer population that an independent UK would be a disaster shows how entrenched this mendicant mentality has become.
I honestly didn’t know there’d be any kind of a 'leaving deal'. I genuinely thought I was voting for the UK to end all ties with the EU when I voted leave so as far as I was concerned, that was the only option.
Precisely .Was only after the ref they started the talk of hard,soft,brexit, stay in customs union etc.. out.
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