Is this real proof Tories are flogging the NHS?

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
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of course it's true. The tories have been selling the NHS off for years and want to privatise it. Trump wants in on it - it's one of the largest organisations in the world - apparently the fifth biggest employer in the world, and bigger than India's railways and Chine's state-owned energy network. It's a huge deal.
It's interesting that our current Prime Minister has a long history of dishonesty and racist, homophic and sexist writings, speeches and behaviour, but gets a free ride from our mass media and right-wing supporters.

They are desperate to keep the Cons in power so have a relentless campaign of abuse and smears against the opposition.
We are bending over backwards. Taking back control, yeah right.

Just have a look at the documents they were posted by a whistleblower.

Shameful by the Tories.
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On medicine pricing, Corbyn said discussions had already been concluded between the two sides on lengthening patents. “Longer patents can only mean one thing – more expensive drugs. Lives will be put at risk as a result of this,” he said.

Well this is just madness.

Tory voters convince me otherwise.
Liz Truss tweeted:

"As we have consistently made clear: the NHS will not be on the table in any future trade deal and the price that the NHS pays for drugs will not be on the table. This sort of conspiracy theory fuelled nonsense is not befitting of the leader of a major political party"

She is right, the deal wont be on the table, it will be done under the table.

Look at precedents. Previous US trade deals which include Japan, Canada etc have ended with a worse position for pharmaceuticals.

The US has a consistent policy of extending patents on drugs preventing sales of generics.

The NHS is the biggest and only centralised health service with the biggest buying power. Hence why it gets the best deals.

But once the NHS becomes a trade deal bargaining chip, that purchasing power will get trumped.

Brexit with EU deal: massive loss of power.
Brexit with no deal: lube up and bend over.
Liz Truss tweeted:

"As we have consistently made clear: the NHS will not be on the table in any future trade deal and the price that the NHS pays for drugs will not be on the table. This sort of conspiracy theory fuelled nonsense is not befitting of the leader of a major political party"

She is right, the deal wont be on the table, it will be done under the table.

Look at precedents. Previous US trade deals which include Japan, Canada etc have ended with a worse position for pharmaceuticals.

The US has a consistent policy of extending patents on drugs preventing sales of generics.

The NHS is the biggest and only centralised health service with the biggest buying power. Hence why it gets the best deals.

But once the NHS becomes a trade deal bargaining chip, that purchasing power will get trumped.

Brexit with EU deal: massive loss of power.
Brexit with no deal: lube up and bend over.

How can anyone want that?

What is wrong with the current set of Tory Radical Right. The current Tory party are a shame to conservatives of old.
There will be no official deal, it's just be a case of the odd contract here, another there. American drugs, medical machines, software systems, insurance providers will slowly creep in, meaning more of our tax will disappear to foreign investments rather than invest in British business.
The problem that corbyn has is that Bliar and new liebour were also doing the same thing...

The NHS is one of the biggest employers in the world, and also one of the biggest sources of taxpayer money...

So as far as the corporates are concerned, it's juicy pickings!

And since the UK has an extreme form of capitalism, then the vultures don't even have to try that hard!
The Tories didn't want an NHS in the first place and consistently voted against it getting through parliament (although to be fair, many different groups including some doctors didn't want it). This along with their policies over the years makes it clear to me idea of nationalised healthcare is at odds with Tory policy.

With it's true Labour started privatisation the NHS in the late '90s, it's arguable that this was partly unavoidable and it was limited to things like cleaning contracts. The Tories however massively accelerated this process when they came to power -- right now there are US Healthcare firms sitting on the NHS Committee overseeing who contracts are awarded to!

They will sell it off bit by bit and they already laid the foundations for doing that in the Health and Social Care Act in 2012. Even their manifesto gives no assurance that we'll be assured universal healthcare. In fact the whole manifesto on the NHS is a joke. They talk about hiring 50,000 more nurses, but it was their decision to scrap the bursary for nurses and charge them £9k a year to study it!
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