The Peoples Party

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
A good summary of recent events.

The Tories, especially Boris, are now the REAL People's Party (

A week ago the headline on our editorial said 'Almost everyone in this country has better things to worry about than Boris and Carrie's wallpaper'.

And so it has proved, as the election results come in and Boris Johnson's Tories seize territory they have not held for more than half a century.

The Conservative victory in Hartlepool – a political earthquake unthinkable even two years ago – is absolute proof that we were right when we said Wallpapergate was a metropolitan obsession, of little interest to normal human beings.

And we are also correct when we stated that the real divide in this country no longer runs between Labour and Tory, but between the metropolitan elite and the men and women who live and work in the real Britain – hard-working, patriotic, close to the ground.

Sir Keir Starmer's Labour has less and less to offer to that Britain.

Under Jeremy Corbyn and under Sir Keir himself, it offers only two different faces of the same airy, impractical, dogma-driven ideas, beloved only by activists who have never really grown up, and by urban snobs who think they know what is best for those who live in less exalted circumstances.

Typical of this was Sir Keir's folly in offering the voters of Hartlepool, one of the most pro-Brexit places in Britain, a diehard pro-Remain candidate. We know the Labour leader is himself no enthusiast for Brexit.

But what did he think he was doing? Did he think the people would not notice? Or did he think they would do as Labour voters used to do before 2016, and obediently vote for whoever the party nominated?
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A good summary of recent events.

The Tories, especially Boris, are now the REAL People's Party (

A week ago the headline on our editorial said 'Almost everyone in this country has better things to worry about than Boris and Carrie's wallpaper'.

And so it has proved, as the election results come in and Boris Johnson's Tories seize territory they have not held for more than half a century.

The Conservative victory in Hartlepool – a political earthquake unthinkable even two years ago – is absolute proof that we were right when we said Wallpapergate was a metropolitan obsession, of little interest to normal human beings.

And we are also correct when we stated that the real divide in this country no longer runs between Labour and Tory, but between the metropolitan elite and the men and women who live and work in the real Britain – hard-working, patriotic, close to the ground.

Sir Keir Starmer's Labour has less and less to offer to that Britain.

Under Jeremy Corbyn and under Sir Keir himself, it offers only two different faces of the same airy, impractical, dogma-driven ideas, beloved only by activists who have never really grown up, and by urban snobs who think they know what is best for those who live in less exalted circumstances.

Typical of this was Sir Keir's folly in offering the voters of Hartlepool, one of the most pro-Brexit places in Britain, a diehard pro-Remain candidate. We know the Labour leader is himself no enthusiast for Brexit.

But what did he think he was doing? Did he think the people would not notice? Or did he think they would do as Labour voters used to do before 2016, and obediently vote for whoever the party nominated?

Why didn't you link to the Daily Mail article and offer them some extra traffic? :mrgreen:
The People's Party?

Clearly then some people are stupid!
Well fine - if people want political leaders who are corrupt and see political power as a means of illicit personal enrichment, I'm sure there will be no shortage of them.

If politicians taking bribes to provide favours, change laws, ease criminality, are regarded as hard-working patriotic values then go for it.

Just dont come whining when theres a train crash or a bridge collapse or an industrial disaster because a hard-working patriotic politician took a bribe to water down safety standards, or hard-working patriotic officials took bribes to sign off substandard work. Dont complain when theres no money for hospitals, schools, roads, police, fire services, because hard-working patriotic politicians have stolen from the public purse.
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Under Jeremy Corbyn and under Sir Keir himself, it offers only two different faces of the same airy, impractical, dogma-driven ideas, beloved only by activists who have never really grown up, and by urban snobs who think they know what is best for those who live in less exalted circumstances.
I 'can' 'think' of 'one' or 'two' on 'here' that 'fit' that 'description'! :whistle:
What about the people who died because of his inaction? Is it their party as well?
We seem to have arrived at a strange state of affairs where the electorate should no longer be given a choice. Should all candidates pretend to agree with what they think the majority will want?

If there was an election and the two candidates were Facist and Communist and the Fascist won, would the Communist candidate be derided for not being fascist enough?

Hartlepool was given a choice and the Conservative won. The others all lost. That's how it works.
Elle sums up Labour now. She calls the Conservatives the nasty party but who are the ones using the patronising bigoted insults.
Just go back over Elles postings. She’s got momentum member written all over her.
Long may this nastiest continue because whilst describing people in those terms, the Labour Party will never win an election.
Keep it up people , you are doing the Conservatives work for them!
Because "working class" people can really "relate" to a land-owning barrister whos spent more time in the Cayman Islands than in Hartlepool.
The REAL people's party, like the REAL IRA?
That’s how unelectable Labour are, stop blaming the other party.
anybody that is not paying the tabloids to run their stories is unelectable now.
Our democracy is dead. We are ruled buy the elite and the media.
The tabloids didn’t make Labour place an anti Brexit candidate in Hartlepool. What the hell were they thinking??
The Brexit referendum was 5 years ago. Brexit has happened, or at least, is happening. The nation, including politicians was about 50/50 split.

So based on your comment, half of all politicians and candidates should just quit, because they didn't support it? What difference does it make if a candidate voted against Brexit 5 years ago?
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