Nightingale Hospital has turned away more patients than it has treated

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It would be more accurate to say, having 500,000 fewer old Brits would be a boost to the NHS.

It wouldn't be accurate at all dumbo because the majority will have paid taxes all their lives and are entitled to nhs care unlike the many foreigners in this country.
I suppose your innate hatred of the British drives you to spout your vile nonsense.
It wouldn't be accurate at all dumbo

Of course it would dumbo. Because they are using services. You only talked about eliminating people to give a "boost to the NHS"

And the "immigrants" you hate include people who came to UK to help us with a labour shortage fifty years ago and have been paying taxes and national Insurance ever since. And it includes people who are working and paying taxes and NI now, and are hardly using the NHS at all, but are propping it up and keeping it going for the benefit of all of us.

Your rage and hatred are entirely nonsensical.

It wouldn't be accurate at all dumbo because the majority will have paid taxes all their lives and are entitled to nhs care unlike the many foreigners in this country.
I suppose your innate hatred of the British drives you to spout your vile nonsense.
Do you realise how hypocritical you sound?
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Of course it would dumbo.

No it wouldn't dumbo.
Elderly Brits have paid taxes.
Foreigners have paid virtually none.
Your rage and hatred are entirely nonsensical.

Just so that we are absolutely clear on this, please give me your definition of "foreigners".
It would be more accurate to say, having 500,000 fewer old Brits would be a boost to the NHS.

What - you mean the people who have paid into it all their working lives?
I can't help noticing that you are trying to alter the point you originally made.

Who is more costly on the nhs?

As a group, older people are much, much more costly than younger people.

The UK population has been aging, putting increasing demands on our health and social services. Since the budgets have not increased to match demands, our services have become increasingly inadequate. This is due to our citizens chosing to vote for parties that like to cut spending rather than to improve services.
And how many of these people are "costly to the NHS"?

Have you got reliable figures?
Don't be childish. You are trying to prove a point. If you don't have reliable figures, I shall conclude that you are talking rubbish.
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