Does anyone have the number for Burberry or Barbour?

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Looks like NHS procurement teams are desperate for gowns. Some Trusts will run out on the weekend.

The PHE will have some serious questions to answer in the aftermath as they have continually watered down requirements.

NHS bosses have asked doctors and nurses to work without protective full-length gowns when treating Covid-19 patients, as hospitals came within hours of running out of supplies.

The guidance is a reversal of Public Health England (PHE) guidelines stipulating that full-length waterproof surgical gowns, designed to stop coronavirus droplets getting into someone’s mouth or nose, should be worn for all high-risk hospital procedures.

In a significant U-turn, PHE advised frontline staff to wear a flimsy plastic apron with coveralls when gowns ran out, in a move that doctors and nurses fear may lead to more of them contracting the virus and ultimately putting lives at risk. The PHE announcement on Friday evening came shortly after the planned move was revealed by the Guardian. Meanwhile:
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:rolleyes: ask China for our money back

The S*** they are exporting around the world including to the UK
When push comes to shove it will become obvious to the west that the chinese cannot be trusted with f all

Lies and cover up about this virus caper

Manufacturing quality control that is not up to snuff

Trump wil be proved correct ;)
When push comes to shove it will become obvious to the west that the chinese cannot be trusted with f all

Lies and cover up about this virus caper

Manufacturing quality control that is not up to snuff

Trump wil be proved correct ;)

Are you an anti-capitalist? Why do companies buy goods from china? Build their plants there?

Also there is that little problem they own lots of US debt and have been financing them over the last few decades.
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Are you an anti-capitalist? Why do companies buy goods from china? Build their plants there?

Also there is that little problem they own lots of US debt and have been financing them over the last few decades.

Anti capitalist

Well that depends on what's in it for me :sneaky:

As to yer other comments
Cheap labour
No regulation
And to. Maximise profit
..still be heavily reliant upon exports from China. As are the UK boyo. (y)

Well that will. Have to change then Noseall

It may takes years boyo but none the less it needs sorting

Inucluding a total ban on any holiday travel to these backward countries in Asia

All this chaos has been caused by the Chinese
..still be heavily reliant upon exports from China. As are the UK boyo. (y)
its always made me laugh that Trumps 'make america great again' baseball caps had to be sourced in China -USA was too expensive
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