Got an email from Easyjet...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
This morning...

"Get ready to check in for THIS summer"

"Turn those summer daydreams into reality"

Funnily enough they can't have spotted that the dictatorship that is controlling the UK has decided that...

Foreign holidays will be ILLEGAL from Monday: New Covid laws mean £5,000 fines for anyone leaving the UK without 'reasonable excuse'

Go and mug an old person and you'd get off with lighter sentence...

Mind you the people who 'elected' this bunch are the mugs...

"Remove democracy done"!
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This morning...

"Get ready to check in for THIS summer"

"Turn those summer daydreams into reality"

Funnily enough they can't have spotted that the dictatorship that is controlling the UK has decided that...

Foreign holidays will be ILLEGAL from Monday: New Covid laws mean £5,000 fines for anyone leaving the UK without 'reasonable excuse'

Go and mug an old person and you'd get off with lighter sentence...

Mind you the people who 'elected' this bunch are the mugs...

"Remove democracy done"!

If I'd started a thread about an old lady being mugged, you would come out in defence for the mugger.....
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People take spreading Covid and killing millions, rather seriously.
But has it all been a mugs game all along?

How the common cold can boot out Covid

"The virus that causes the common cold can effectively boot the Covid virus out of the body's cells, say researchers.
Some viruses are known to compete in order to be the one that causes an infection.
And University of Glasgow scientists say it appears cold-causing rhinovirus trumps coronavirus."

Of course the 'flu' has been virtually eradicated during lockdowns according to the figures...

"Think of the cells in your nose, throat and lungs as being like a row of houses. Once a virus gets inside, it can either hold the door open to let in other viruses, or it can nail the door shut and keep its new home to itself.
Influenza is one of the most selfish viruses around, and nearly always infects alone."

So it may well be a case of 'cutting off the nose to spite the face'...

looks more like an interesting curiosity for the moment. Perhaps a practical use will emerge with more research.

Even in a country where the common cold is, er, common, CV19 has had a terrible impact.
Foreign holidays will be ILLEGAL from Monday: New Covid laws mean £5,000 fines for anyone leaving the UK without 'reasonable excuse'

Do you think emigrating could be a 'reasonable excuse'? Worth a try? ;)
Do you think emigrating could be a 'reasonable excuse'? Worth a try? ;)
Right on cue mottie the village idiot turns up carrying his worn out old duff record...

mottie has no intention/ability to add to a topic, because...

Well simply because mottie is a village idiot!
If its for her one way trip, I'll organise a GoFundMe page for the tickets and provide a reasonable excuse for her to GTFO
Right on cue mottie the village idiot turns up carrying his worn out old duff record...

mottie has no intention/ability to add to a topic, because...

Well simply because mottie is a village idiot!

All I did was ask a question. Looks like that’s another one you swerved and won’t answer but hey, that’s your problem, not mine. :)
Wait ages for a village idiot to arrive and two come along in quick succession...
(well not ages actually, just a few minutes)

One could almost assume that those in CC are merely just handing over the baton :rolleyes:
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There is a 'stanley johnson' loophole...

"An exemption dubbed the “Stanley Johnson clause” allowing people to travel overseas in connection to second homes abroad is to be included in new coronavirus rules.
The legislation, which could see people leaving England for a foreign holiday left facing a £5,000 fine, will allow trips for the “purchase, sale, letting or rental of a residential property”.

"The legislation gives an exemption for “preparing a residential property to move in” or “to visit a residential property to undertake any activities required for the rental or sale of that property”.

Now I wonder who made sure that clause was included? :rolleyes:
Perfectly reasonable. Nobody has been out to ours since October 2019. There must be many in the same position. Pretty sure some maintenance wouldn’t be out of order. It won’t exactly be a holiday though so why not?
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