So, whos still in denial?

  • Thread starter Captain Nemesis
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I see Nicola is hiding behind buffoon Johnson over this new potential oil field in Scotland :ROFLMAO:

sort of non committal not my decision stance :LOL:


an independent Scotland will have to be financed by scotch whisky and short bread exports
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There needs to be more practical, consumer friendly ways to go green.

For instance, you can buy a "green" laptop charger, that included in it's price is a carbon offset equal to the entire life and power consumption of the laptops energy.

The other and probably more depressing option is that we wait until it's far too late then all "pull together" in a last ditch technological effort and operate some kind of extremely hot nuclear and amazing material science furnace that could "burn" the atmospheric carbon dioxide into base components then compress the results and bury the resultant graphite sludge - all very quickly before it rapidly forms into the far worse carbon monoxide... or other such wild suggestions.
What about countries who s

economy is entirely based or built around oil and gas exports

like say Russia :idea:

are they going to see there country collapse economically

trillions will need to be given out in aid

or there will be trouble ahead
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Yes - experts - you know - people who actually know things.

What claims to expertise in the subject do you have?

well Er it’s called common sense

what expertise do u have ? Apart from all these so called experts who actually believe that some how they will save the planet

which they won’t
China are still building coal fired power stations

one a fortnight is coming on line

granted they built the first leccy cargo ship

they use it to deliver the coal to the coal fired power stations :ROFLMAO:
How come us, here in UK, one of the least polluting countries in the industrial world, have to keep on paying more and more in environmental taxes.
Instead China, US and India every month keep on polluting as much as the whole of Europe for 50 years.
But the snowflakes love them and keep on buying their cheap rubbish which ends up in landfills after 2 days of use.
And they drive electric plastic boxes which will never see the light of their 10th birthday if not their 5th.
Then it's time for another plastic box fuelled by batteries which work by the magic of lithium and cobalt, mined by slaves in Africa, even children slaves.
Besides, what do they do with all the money we pay in environmental taxes (ULEZ for example)?
Do they pay Mother Nature and say: "Here, sort yourself out, go to the gym, get fit, wear a nice dress and makeup"?
Here comes my favourite punchline...

What a lot of b@llox!
It doesn't matter what the UK does about it,
It doesn't matter what Europe does about it.

What we do pales into insignificance compared to china who are doing jack about it.
While we may stop using harmful fuels china just chucks more coal on the fire.
It doesn't matter what the UK does about it,
It doesn't matter what Europe does about it.

What we do pales into insignificance compared to china who are doing jack about it.
While we may stop using harmful fuels china just chucks more coal on the fire.

Thanks for saying what the snowflakes in love with China don't dare even thinking.
They're the ones living in denial.
The idea that mere humans can regulate the temperature of the planet as if it is some sort of central heating system is absurd.
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