Possible new drug to treat Covid

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Merck has developed a drug which, in trials, has halved the hospitalisation rate. The trials have been stopped. This is often done when a drug is shown to be so effective that it would be unethical to give half the patients in the trial an ineffective placebo.

FT.com writes:

"Merck said it would ask US regulators to authorise the first antiviral pill to treat Covid-19 after a late-stage clinical trial showed the drug cut the risk of hospitalisation or death in half...."

"...The US pharmaceuticals company said on Friday that it had stopped the phase 3 clinical trial early after an interim analysis showed that 7.3 per cent of patients on the drug had died or been hospitalised, versus 14.1 per cent of those receiving a placebo.

The decision to halt the study was taken following a recommendation from an independent committee of scientists monitoring the trial and after consultations with the FDA.

The interim analysis of data from 775 patients showed that none of the participants receiving molnupiravir had died during the first 29 days of the study, versus eight who received a placebo, Merck said."
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Antivaxxers will no doubt refuse to take it, as it is so new, and a product of the pharmacutical industry.

They will want to wait a few years to see what the long term results are.
I've been doing a lot of reading into Ivermectin.

The most truth you will find surrounding this drug & its use in treating Covid is the fact that it has DEFINITELY been the subject of a co-ordinated & very viscious smear campaign.

The only other thing that makes sense to me, is that the only way they can say it is statistically inneffective is by confirming the PCR test is useless. They of course aren't doing this, but the numbers just don't add up.

I still don't know anyone who's died of this yet, I only know people who know people . . . . I do know lots who are now financially ruined, & quite a few who have health conditions that aren't being treated.
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The one thing you will find out about horse-worming tablets is that they have DEFINITELY been the subject of a sustained and concerted campaign to popularise them, led by trumpists, antivaxxers and other nutters.

And they don't work.
I still don't know anyone who's died of this yet, I only know people who know people . . . .

I was the same until recently. Then few months ago an old friend who lived in South Africa succumbed at 58. Then yesterday my brother's best friend died at 51 after a truamatic month in intensive care. He caught it from his partner who caught it from her boss. Boss and partner recovered quickly. Both who died thought they were getting better, but this disease seems to follow that pattern quite a lot.
And they don't work.

Yet there are many highly qualified medical practitioners who claim that they do.

The ONLY way you can discredit Ivermectin as a treatment is by admitting the PCR test is nonsense.

How can you NOT be scared by the FACT that someone is lying to you about a matter that may be life or death?
Health secretary this morning on an interview

if any one is working in health care and refuses jab

“get out and find another job”
How can you NOT be scared by the FACT that someone is lying to you about a matter that may be life or death?

Why are "they" doing that. Why withhold a treatment that works?
Antivaxxers will no doubt refuse to take it, as it is so new, and a product of the pharmacutical industry.

They will want to wait a few years to see what the long term results are.
Why label anyone who questions anything medicinal as an 'antivaxxer', especially if not properly tested?

As far as I know that term only refers to anyone refusing to have a jab of any kind...

It is of course a term often used erroneously by those too dumb to realise the concept of choice!

But since this is not a jab, it is still a drug hastily developed...

Ever heard of Thalidomide?
Yet there are many highly qualified medical practitioners who claim that they do.

No there aren't.

How can you NOT be scared by the FACT that someone is lying to you about a matter that may be life or death?
The one thing you will find out about horse-worming tablets is that they have DEFINITELY been the subject of a sustained and concerted campaign to popularise them, led by trumpists, antivaxxers and other nutters.

And they don't work.
Millions of Indians disagree with you. Google it. India is not full of Trumpists, they are not antivaxxers, their doctors are not nutters.
If you think there isn't evdence, and opinion from high level medics that IMV works then you're ignorant of the facts and not worth listening to. Go have a look.

What would you do as a drug co if you dodn't want your drug used because it wasn't earning you anything much???
Support a trial which says it doesn't work - easy. Get Trump's loony mob to say what you want too, that'll kill it.
(There are some very dodgy hydroxychloroquine trials too - all the doses were way too high, without explanation.)

Stop with your "horse" rubbish FFS, that's pathetic. Ivermectin has been taken by humans for 40 years.
If that's a mainstay of your mantra, people see you for what you are. A ranting nutter.

Ivermectin didn't earn Merck much for Covid, it's too cheap ex factory. It wasn't approved by them for it and would have had to go through approval. So they can reformulate the parts they want and produce something which can go through the approval process and make them a ton of money. It was widely predicted that they'd do that.

Oh look, some of their "new" drug's actions are like Ivermectin's.
There happens to be an overlap between the pathologies caused by covid & " several tropical diseases, including onchocerciasis, helminthiases, and scabies" (NIH).
This is not at all unusual. It's a bit like saying aspirin works as an anti-inflamatory. You can't rubbish it because it's a pain killer and also has effects on bleeding. You can USE it for any of those. If there's a clotting problem, you can try aspirin.

I'm not a conspiracy supporter but like everyone else I can look into what's out there. Most good reports of success from quack remedies fizzle out fairly quickly.
This didn't.

I don't think it's unlikely that commercial pressures are applied, because they always are. I've been involved in some, in different spheres.
Anyone who dismisses those is very naive indeed.
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