Professor stock

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20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
Of Sussex university has resigned due to bullying and harassment from the extremist fruit cake mob

she had been advised to install CCTV at her house

employ security guards :confused:
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She should have just fronted it out.

Should never give in to bullies.

It won't stop just be someone else now.

I'd have continued to go into work with my middle finger out at all the fruitcakes...

She's been a bit of a let down.. this is what's wrong with the country no one fights back for the cause of common sense, instead prefer to roll over and let the loons win, it's happening left right and centre.

This will not be an isolated incident at university’s several other lecturers else where are or will
Be targeted by these extremist fruit cakes

they have been talking about it on the radio news
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So are some transphobes.
Some people are incapable of rational debate without making false allegations, resorting to insults and generally portraying theatrical exaggerated scenarios.

Professor Stock has been criticised by hundreds of academics who pronounced her views as transphobic. I wouldn't think that other academics and philosophers could be described as TRAs. Would you? Unless it's an exaggeration.

"In January, hundreds of academics criticised the decision to make Prof Stock an OBE for services to higher education in the New Year Honours.

In the open letter, the philosophers condemned academics who use their status to "further gender oppression" and said they denounced "transphobia in all its forms".
I wouldn't think that other academics and philosophers could be described as TRAs.

People can be plumbers or academics. Some people are TRAs.

One would have to look at what she actually said and wrote to assess if they were overly aggressive in their response.

What do you think she actually said and wrote?
People can be plumbers or academics. Some people are TRAs.

One would have to look at what she actually said and wrote to assess if they were overly aggressive in their response.

What do you think she actually said and wrote?

Professor Stock has been criticised by hundreds of academics who pronounced her views as transphobic. I wouldn't think that other academics and philosophers could be described as TRAs. Would you? Unless it's an exaggeration.

"In January, hundreds of academics criticised the decision to make Prof Stock an OBE for services to higher education in the New Year Honours.

In the open letter, the philosophers condemned academics who use their status to "further gender oppression" and said they denounced "transphobia in all its forms".
Why don't you enlighten us as to what she said and wrote? There's a whole book full of her comments to read.

I wouldn't describe hundreds of academics and philosophers as TRAs, as you appear to be so eager to do so.
Perhaps you should explore Professor Stock's comments in more detail to find out what the hundreds of academics and philosophers found so objectionable, which you then preceded to categorised them all as TRAs.
Why don't you enlighten us as to what she said and wrote?

I have not attacked her for what she said and wrote.

It is not my responsibility to try to guess what her attackers have in their heads.

It is foolish of you to introduce the idea that all philosophers are TRAs.
I have not attacked her for what she said and wrote.
Of course you haven't, you would appear to agree with what transphobes write.

It is not my responsibility to try to guess what her attackers have in their heads.
But you did, you guessed that they must be aggressive TRAs.
TRAs are sometimes very aggressive.

It is foolish of you to introduce the idea that all philosophers are TRAs.
It was your idea that all those who are opposed to Prof Stock's views must be aggressive TRAs.
TRAs are sometimes very aggressive.

But then you realised that they were hundreds of academics and philosophers, and now you're backtracking.
Next you'll be denying that you claimed that there is any link between those opposed to Prof Stock's views and your reference to TRAs.
Reports of fruit cakes wearing balaclavas harassing and intimidating her

Not that it’s relevant but she is gay

plenty of academics have come out and supported her right of freedom of speech

thise who have not probably feel intimidated

similar caper to this Rushdie caper

Of a few years back

lunatics and extremists are taking over the asylum
Stock didn't write anything aggressive.

Certainly not in the way she's had it back at her. It is very much #bekind is only applicable if you follow the same views as those who are aggressive.

I agree with much of what Stock states, it doesn't appear to be with malice, but with actual thought and reasoning.

This is one thing she said that is supposedly transphobic,

"The professor of philosophy at the University of Sussex, told The Argus women-only areas should not allow transgender people who still have male genitalia.

She said: “I am definitely not saying that trans women are particularly dangerous – they are definitely not.

“Most trans people are law abiding and wouldn’t dream of harming anyone.

“However, many trans women are still males with male genitalia, many are sexually attracted to females, and they should not be in places where females undress or sleep in a completely unrestricted way.” "

Sounds like common sense to me...
Reports of fruit cakes wearing balaclavas harassing and intimidating her

Not that it’s relevant but she is gay

plenty of academics have come out and supported her right of freedom of speech

thise who have not probably feel intimidated

similar caper to this Rushdie caper

Of a few years back

lunatics and extremists are taking over the asylum

The bit that I find most ammusing is those that say they don't feel "safe" at the university she taught because of her supposed transphobic views, which are never aggressive and have no hate speech behind them.... But then they send death threats and want to get her sacked.....

Stock only wants women's rights to be recognised and not diluted by those pretending to be a female.
Verbally abused

by a bunch of fruit cakes

that J K Rowling was treated in a similar fashion
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