
27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Anyone on here got one or grow their own veg at home?

Just been over mine to check on some of my seedlings and they're all coming along just fine.

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Looks good (y)

A good tip I got from one of the old timers down on my allotment was, he starts leeks off (seed) in a large plant pot, he just lobs a loads of seeds in, waits until they are 3" tall then just transplants (individually) in dibbed holes in the ground. I've been using this method for a few years, it works a treat.

I'll try sweetcorn again this year, but it wasn't very good last year:(

What tommies are you growing, Mountain Magic is a new one someone is trying, as it's blight resistant... apparently.
I'll try sweetcorn again this year, but it wasn't very good last year:(
My sweetcorn was going great last year. So great the squirrels polished off the lot over one weekend!

My toms this year are Tomato Shirley, Gardeners delight and one other (can't remember the name). Last year I did some cherry tomatoes as well as 'moneymaker' and I lost them all to blight as did everybody on our allotment and in the local area.
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My sweetcorn was going great last year. So great the squirrels polished up the lot over one weekend!

My toms this year are Tomato Shirley, Gardeners delight and one other (can't remember the name). Last year I did some cherry tomatoes as well as 'moneymaker' and I lost them all to blight as did everybody on our allotment and in the local area.
Makes a change from the mice/rats eating it:eek:

I'm doing sungold tomatoes this year, as they are the best I've tasted so far.
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I stopped growing veg a few years ago and focussed on fruit and flowers, with a patch dedicated to herbs, instead.
Had to clear the ground and leave it fallow for a year or two as the area had become swamped with slugs and ants.
Dealt with them and now it's all manageable once more.

Have you put any spuds in?
Wilko are selling onion sets and spuds for 5 & 10p if you need either and you are passing.

I'm growing Albert Bartlett ones this year.
I'm doing King Edwards, Charlottes and two others - cant remember now! All I can remember is that the Charlottes are 'first earlies' and King Edwards are Main crop and I think the other two are 'second earlies'. I think! I must start writing down what I'm actually planting so that I can see which ones grow the best.
I have all of the facilities needed here, plenty of space, pots and a hut - I just lack the inclination and the knowledge to do it.
I'm doing King Edwards, Charlottes and two others - cant remember now! All I can remember is that the Charlottes are 'first earlies' and King Edwards are Main crop and I think the other two are 'second earlies'. I think! I must start writing down what I'm actually planting so that I can see which ones grow the best.

King Edwards are the chip makers choice and i love Charlottes; excellent for mash too and smaller Charlottes are fantastic with a herby salad. (y)

I read the waiting list in London is up to 18 years in some places and more people than ever are applying for a plot - how long have you had yours?
I read the waiting list in London is up to 18 years in some places and more people than ever are applying for a plot - how long have you had yours?
This will be our third year but we moved onto a new plot last September
I'm doing King Edwards, Charlottes and two others - cant remember now! All I can remember is that the Charlottes are 'first earlies' and King Edwards are Main crop and I think the other two are 'second earlies'. I think! I must start writing down what I'm actually planting so that I can see which ones grow the best.
Mrs lost does all the veg gardening, she has more time now we no longer sell hardy perennials and shrubs. We've grown Charlotte for many years, they seem to suit our soil but always regarded them as second early and are well in flower now.
Not long then. Hang on to it, those spaces will be hard to get soon. A good plot of land is worth its weight...
Not long then. Hang on to it, those spaces will be hard to get soon. A good plot of land is worth its weight...
This is our half-plot. Google earth image is how it was a few years before we got it (the green nets to the top of our current plot was our old plot) and the other one is how it was as of a few weeks ago. We moved plots because it was slightly bigger, had better soil, got more sun and is right next to the water trough which can be seen in the bottom of the picture. The blue hoops are almost in one corner of the plot as well as the canes and the shed is almost in the other. Things are going well this year so far.


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