Cowboy delivery companys

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Obvious they should be I'd have thought,. Should we exclude them because you think your right on everything. You've proved to be barking several times so why shouldn't the tin foil hatters get a hearing?
Tinfoil hatters are free to make their comments.

Why do they have to be taken seriously ?

Not quite sure what you mean by proof. Do you have any ? Ever ?
Much as the same way you think you should be taken seriously.
You don't have to take me seriously.

But I don't have any shares in tinfoil so I doubt you are interested in my views.

You, however.. ...
Drill down to any person's beliefs there's a serious side to how they arrive there, so I tend to be not so dismissive and label people of the tin foil hat brigade in such a suggestive manner as yourself.
Drill down to any person's beliefs there's a serious side to how they arrive there, so I tend to be not so dismissive and label people of the tin foil hat brigade in such a suggestive manner as yourself.
And as I said, you are welcome to any thoughts and opinions you want.

But absence of facts, information and proof does not mean anybody else has to accept or believe.
Not sure if this in scope, a friend of mine has had to leave amazon due to scam buyers. Delivery would drop to an address, the recipient would later claim they never received the item yet the supplier would have to pay, Or they would file a return and send back an empty box. Disgraceful.
I'm never rude. I get people may have had a bad day, as I do. I don't know what this charade is all about, Should i be nasty to others?

I get annoyed with people who park on my grass. I sort of tell them off then we end with a smile a a pat on the arm or back.

I had a go at some food delivery driver the over day for parking on a patch I'm trying to grow grass. I felt a bit rotten after as he has a poorly paid job to do and it's a pig getting parked round my way.
Think you've missed the point. Go back to my question is multi culturism working. Denso cheery wave and smile at van drivers doesn't really address whether it's working or not.
I used to hate the term Multi culturism.

But I think it can and does work

In any Multi cultural area the proment culture needs to be the indigenous one, then a minority of all creeds and colours. Then it can work, and work well.

Multi culturism works better than when there is only one foreign culture in a said area.
Which is what happens.

But then that's not multi culturism.

Bradford to my knowledge is hugely Pakistani Muslim. That might work for them but it doesn't in our society and to the comfort of most people of different faiths and culture.
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