How can a March for Peace be Incompatible with a Memorial for those Killed in Wars.

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From what I read and again, not claiming expertise.. the paras and the signals were one and the same at the time the chap was serving in NI (late 60s early 70s) So he could well have been both para and signals.

It's more complex and simpler than that.

If you're attached to the parachute regiment then you wear the beret. The Corps of signals predates the paras but there have always been detachments serving with special units and they often wear the parent beret if they pass the relevant criteria but keep their cap badge. Its quite common for combat support arms but does confuse you the first time you see it.

Mmmm tedious trivia.

The army has typically been very opposed to former soldiers wearing uniform, but Berets are routinely worn in isolation for parades or formal events.
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Identified as Kay Green, member of the Eastbourne Labour Party and employed as an English Teacher (well at least until Monday).
Now wanted by police.

Can anyone explain why there is so much antisemitism in Labour?

Identified as Kay Green, member of the Eastbourne Labour Party and employed as an English Teacher (well at least until Monday).
Now wanted by police.

Can anyone explain why there is so much antisemitism in Labour?
At a guess, because the labour party is made up of the British public where there is still plenty of bigotry of all sorts under the surface.
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Identified as Kay Green, member of the Eastbourne Labour Party and employed as an English Teacher (well at least until Monday).
Now wanted by police.

Can anyone explain why there is so much antisemitism in Labour?

because the hard left are ideologically opposed to Israel…they aren’t particularly anti Semitic per se.

why? A = because Israel is a successful capitalist country supported by America and other capitalist countries, whereas Palestine has some socialist roots.

I guarantee she is a Corbyn cultist……those nutters have been screaming about Palestine for years.
No - for the record I am certain that at least 70%+ were marching to try to stop the killing of innocent people in Palestine. In most of the mainstreams the press is focused on the right wing mob, because it makes good news. Oldish white ladies brandishing hate placards and getting themselves on the Met's wanted list, doesn't seem to be so popular. Even Sky news cropped out the person, despite them all being published by the met as wanted.

I would very much hope there are not 300,000 mobilised, west hating, Isreal hating extremists living in the UK.
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No - for the record I am certain that at least 70%+ were marching to try to stop the killing of innocent people in Palestine. In most of the mainstreams the press is focused on the right wing mob, because it makes good news. Oldish white ladies brandishing hate placards and getting themselves on the Met's wanted list, doesn't seem to be so popular. Even Sky news cropped out the person, despite them all being published by the met as wanted.
And what were the counter protesters marching for ?
In most of the mainstreams the press is focused on the right wing mob, because it makes good news

The reason is because the right wing mobs motivation was simply an opportunity to act as a vigilante group and have a fight

those people that went on the pro Palestine marches who are anti Israel, sometimes Jihad extremists didn’t join the marches to kick off and start fighting
The reason is because the right wing mobs motivation was simply an opportunity to act as a vigilante group and have a fight

those people that went on the pro Palestine marches who are anti Israel, sometimes Jihad extremists didn’t join the marches to kick off and start fighting
but in the end many got arrested for scuffling with plod, including shooting fireworks at them. But out of 300,000 a couple of 100 is not too bad.
The reason is because the right wing mobs motivation was simply an opportunity to act as a vigilante group and have a fight

those people that went on the pro Palestine marches who are anti Israel, sometimes Jihad extremists didn’t join the marches to kick off and start fighting
Was you on the march to know all this, or are looking on from afar from some backwater in the country.
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