Do I need a licence?

13 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
Around 20 yrs ago when clearing out an old warehouse I came across some bottles of medication, unused, still in pristine condition and dating from around the 1930's. I still have these botlles to this day, stuck in the loft. Now I am debating putting them on E-bay to see if they are worth anything or whether anyone woudl buy them!

But then I thought can I actually sell them legally, as I am not a chemist and I do not hold a licence for dispensing medicine. One of the bottles is eye drops and it contains a percentage of cocaine. In any case, I should imagine some eighty years on, the contents have well are truly gone off and should I sell them on and some numpty decides to use one for treatment and dies would I be liable, what do you reckon? :confused:
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Seriously, I know someone who would buy them...a friend and his wife do WW11. re-enactment....and they`d have them for the medic`s kit... send me an e-mail, and if you want to eBay then let me know the listing number..there may be other "collectors" too ;)
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If any of them are POMs ( Prescription Only Medicines ) then you certainly CANNOT sell or trade them in any fashion.

And some medicines from that age can required specialised disposal as mercury and other toxic materials were used in the formulation.

The best advice would be to make a list and talk to a chemist / paharmicist about safe disposal of the contents. Then you could possible sell the bottles if they are in any way unusual.
Thank you Nige F, I will bear you in mind but as BG stated I will stroll down to my local chemist and see if they are POM and whether I can sell them or not. I will be in touch!
sounds like your in possession of illegal drugs and we are now all implicated including this website, we could all be in jail for Christmas, turkey dinner after all, hope its organic.
Don't panic! I am sure I can find a way of smuggling the drugs in to go with the turkey :D
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