Oil prices up yet again.

but the "american" version has been adopted in this country by government and business. So you can take your pick, but if you dealing with any officail figures etc then you need to go for the "american" version in any calculations
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That's what I've done right through the thread. I said a billion barrels of oil will last us a fortnight. We use 87 million per day - so you do the sums.

Shyster the would-be SE said that a British billion was 100 million. I put him straight.

So what you waffling about?
That's what I've done right through the thread. I said a billion barrels of oil will last us a fortnight. We use 87 million per day - so you do the sums.

Shyster the would-be SE said that a British billion was 100 million. I put him straight.

So what you waffling about?

i did according to your figures weve got 40 days of oil. Shows how wrong you are. Oh and have a read of this, it explains why oil prices are so high. :rolleyes:

im not waffling joe, im giving facts and correcting your errors, leaving you dead in the water......again and again and again and again. :LOL:

Oh well im off on holiday, but im sure by the time i get back your still be saying black is white :rolleyes:
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I think you'd better start from the beginning. Maths clearly isn't your strong suit.

Glad you are going on holiday - you'll be unemployed next year at this time.

There are now an extra 20,000 builder/landscapers all giving amazing cash in hand discounts.
The art of Googling and then spouting with complete "authority". About anything and everything.
I think you'd better start from the beginning. Maths clearly isn't your strong suit.

Glad you are going on holiday - you'll be unemployed next year at this time.

There are now an extra 20,000 builder/landscapers all giving amazing cash in hand discounts.

how long do you work out it will last.

Dont think i will be since were booked up a year in advance. Quality always wins through anyway.Its the property developers and people with two homes i feel sorry for.

Thanks for stooping to insults, now how long do you work out that the oil will last by your figures? By the way where exacatly did you get the figures?
Where's the insult? Landscaping is a feel-good project, it is the first to be binned in a recession. We are heading for a permanent recession, where people are going to struggle to get by in the world. Landscaping will give way to security. There are now thousands more builders/landscapers all desperate for work - they'll undercut you no worries. You'll find most of your work that's booked in will start getting cancelled.

As far as those figures go they were provided by Megamuppet and were about some kind of get-rich-scheme he's signing up for in the USA. It's billed as some kind of new gold rush. He'll tell you how to invest if you ask him. I think I'll pass myself.
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