Recent content by appsy

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    Trampoline repairs

    Thanks for your help. I can't find anything on that particular manufacturer, I think they are German. Toy R Us may be a good idea, I might see if I can pop in over the next few days. To be honest, it looks like I might replace the trampoline. I don't want it to cause problems if I pic the wrong...
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    Trampoline repairs

    Hi Big-all, Thanks. The company that make the trampoline have gone bust. Do you know where I can find the correct specifications? is there a resource? Many thanks
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    Trampoline repairs

    Hi guys, I am looking at repairing a 14ft trampoline I have in the garden. It is just where the elastic cord has snapped. I was thinking of replacing it, as it is pretty weatherworn, with something like this [url=]Like this? I am not...
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    Had a rat problem myself recently. I live in the countryside and theres a derelict barn in the field that my house backs onto so I'm assuming that's where they were coming from. Anyway, I put a couple of these down...
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    Mould damage

    Hi all, Moved into a property last april, and all was fine until the wet weather struck. Had an extensive build up of mould at the base of an interior wall which was unfortunately hidden by furniture so wasn't noticed immediately. Turns out the previous owner had painted over a vent (Some...
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    most reliable cars ?

    I think most Japanese cars are pretty reliable. Always a safe bet.
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    Connecting tv to a projector

    Which projector do you have? Is it new? How long is the bulb life? Thinking of getting one myself, hence the questions. Reviews on online shops only go so far.
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    Best weedkller?

    [/url] Blimey! That thing looks menacing! Incredibly stupid question but what do I attach it to? Strimmer?
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    Best weedkller?

    I have a trailer, I could gather the brambles and transport them onto my field at my house to burn, it shouldn't be too much effort. How long should I leave them to dry? Should I cover them with some sort of tarpaulin for a bit before I burn them?
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    Best weedkller?

    Ok thanks for the advice, I'll have a look into this now. It will be difficult to get any kind of vehicle onto the land so it looks like a chainsaw or hedge trimmer would have to do. I was hoping the weed killer would do the job, but not so sure now. This land is directly next to some farmers...
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    Best weedkller?

    Thanks. I was also recommended something like this by a friend today I'm guessing they are pretty similar. Looks like I better buy some gloves and a mask, the manufactures website for this one has a fair but of...
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    Best weedkller?

    Hi, Looking for a weed killer spray or something like that to clear a large area (70m x 90m) of nasty brambles and shrubs etc. Can anyone suggest a heavy duty one that is both cost effective and will clear the area quickly. Not really attempted this before but just bought a plot of land and...
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    Tile Grout

    Hello Can anyone recommend a good product for cleaning the grout between the tiles in my shower? I have tried a couple and the grout is still looking yellowish in places. I dont want to damage the tiles either. Thanks Alan