Another diversity consequence

29 Mar 2010
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United Kingdom
How is this appropriate and addressed. Look at the images in that the damage is already done before the authorities could act.

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Aberfan disaster, an awful tragedy. This happened 4 days before I was born. Knowing my mother this would have really upset her.
This happens every year on a big green near where my girlfriend's parents live. The locals have to patrol the area and start strategically parking all their cars along it to prevent entry. It now has a low earth bund around it that the council put in a year ago. Hopefully they won't be back although some other poor people will end up with all their trash instead.

Protected group innit...
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In my youth some time ago I worked on fruit farms in Kent and one of my tasks was looking after the causal labour.

Part of this were the Gypsies who traveled to Kent to to work over the spring to summer period.

Their campsite were immaculate. Their work was always to a high quality. They worked hard and did a good job. I learn't so much from them as how to do a job at the quickest but still acceptable quality. Most work was piece work so that mattered. Fiercely protective and loyal to their own and employer. Ultimately trustworthy as long as you do not lust after their rather fetching 18 year old daughter. Watched by a hawk by her father.

When they left in late autumn the campsite was cleaner than when they arrived.

What we are seeing now are not the same in any respect.
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There's Roma Gypsies and Irish Travellers.

I've not known the first type, although they are also a pain in the arse. The Irish ones I've found some of them are alright, let down by the ones who aren't.
We used to live close to the site of the annual Wirral Show, and one year the “travelling people” who worked on the rides decided to stay behind for a couple of weeks after the show had finished. They wrecked a local beauty spot by racing cars up and down the hills, left mountains of rubbish on the fields close to where they camped and their kids inflicted a mini-crime wave on local residents. The show, which had run for 33 years prior to this outbreak of unpunished anti social behaviour, was permanently cancelled not long afterwards.
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I’m not sure this is some recent “diversity” issue, it’s been a problem for many decades.
We used to live close to the site of the annual Wirral Show, and one year the “travelling people” who worked on the rides decided to stay behind for a couple of weeks after the show had finished. They wrecked a local beauty spot by racing cars up and down the hills, left mountains of rubbish on the fields close to where they camped and their kids inflicted a mini-crime wave on local residents. The show, which had run for 33 years prior to this outbreak of unpunished anti social behaviour, was permanently cancelled not long afterwards.

They have similar issues at lower end holiday destinations like Pontins. There was a scandal a couple of years ago about Pontins trying to prevent travellers staying at the resort because of all the chaos they cause. Brawling, stealing, etc. which is understandably bad for business and ruins things for all the other guests not to mention staff.

But the wokerati and mainstream media found out and monstored Pontins. Apartheid and discrimination, etc. Unbelievably posh, champagne socialists at the BBC - who wouldn't go within 100 miles of a Pontins - carping on about "how could this happen in this day and age?"

Nobody gave a thought to the needs of the business in question and that if they were turning away customers they probably had a good reason for doing so that didn't involve hating people just for the hell of it. And the trouble makers were depicted as the victims. The usual pattern - certain groups are never held to account or expected to be responsible for anything. Nothing learnt, rinse n repeat.

Looks like the Wirral had the right idea although a shame the event has been taken away because of it.
The tedious talking heads of the diversity industry ( and "industry" it is, because their very livelihoods depend on the gigantic lie that the UK is a racist country ) try to convince us that there's something noble about such folk: that their very existence is a culturally precious addition to the rich tapestry of our lives. In practice, of course they often prove themselves to be selfish, parasitic, lawless, opportunist scum who leave a trail of carnage wherever they go.
The tedious talking heads of the diversity industry ( and "industry" it is, because their very livelihoods depend on the gigantic lie that the UK is a racist country ) try to convince us that there's something noble about such folk: that their very existence is a culturally precious addition to the rich tapestry of our lives. In practice, of course they often prove themselves to be selfish, parasitic, lawless, opportunist scum who leave a trail of carnage wherever they go.
I didn't think we were allowed sexually explicit user names here, but whatever floats your boat.
We used to live close to the site of the annual Wirral Show, and one year the “travelling people” who worked on the rides decided to stay behind for a couple of weeks after the show had finished. They wrecked a local beauty spot by racing cars up and down the hills, left mountains of rubbish on the fields close to where they camped and their kids inflicted a mini-crime wave on local residents. The show, which had run for 33 years prior to this outbreak of unpunished anti social behaviour, was permanently cancelled not long afterwards.

Sounds about right. Leave a trail of destruction, garbage and human excrement anywhere they enrich with their diversity.
In practice, of course they often prove themselves to be selfish, parasitic, lawless, opportunist scum who leave a trail of carnage wherever they go.

Brother works in trading standards. Large part of his case load is 'travellers' who systematically fleece the elderly and other vulnerable people for big sums for 'tree work' and pretending to fix their roofs. £6000 or more from an 85 year old for replacing a roof tile that didn't need replacing is their bread and butter. He takes great delight in prosecuting them, and after years of dealing with them any shred of starry-eyed pc bs from the council's diversity training has been replaced by hard realities.
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