Search results

  1. Wet_One

    Repainting laminated kitchen cupboards

    I'm looking for recommendations on primers for painting over tired kitchen cabinet doors that are made of cheapy 'plastic laminate over MDF' They are basically sound, it is just that the colour is dated and I don't want to spring for new doors. Hopefully someone can point me in the direction...
  2. Wet_One

    Painting a curb for night-time visibility?

    When I reverse into my parking space, there is a bit of curbed corner that I have to reverse around, gettin my back wheel quite close to it in order to park neatly. It's fine in the day time, but at night, the bright lights wall lights of the car park glaring from behind mean that it is in...
  3. Wet_One

    Change a heater into a socket

    Some guidance would be appreciated: This is a convection heater and it's in an unsuitable position. I would like to have a wall hung electric fire on the other wall which will throw out heat more usefully and be more attractive. Also, it would be very helpful to have a socket on the wall to...
  4. Wet_One

    Twin appliances to sink and half outlet?

    Hi I currently have a washing machine next to my kitchen sink and the waste is connected to the trap as the photo (click to expand) I want to add a dishwasher next to the washing machine. But how do I add in the waste pipe to the current set up? I can't find a suitable trap/twin connector...