'53 plated Focus power steering heavy one way only

30 Dec 2008
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United Kingdom
Any thoughts on this please? Dad has been presented with a Focus whose steering is fine turning one way, but heavy the other. (Can't remember which way was which). In the "heavy" direction, the belt driving the power steering pump (it's a conventional engine-driven hydraulic setup) squeals, suggesting the pump is trying very hard, but there's no assistance getting through. (Well, that or the fluid can't get out of the other half of the rack for some reason).
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I reckon the fault has to be on the turning valve mechanism.....that's right at the bottom of the column and actually part of the pinion box itself. As far as I recall, once the pressurised fluid has left the rack after this valve, there aren't any other restrictions on the fluid......being low pressure by now, it works its way back to the reservoir.
I guess you could undo the rack return pipe on the faulty side - if assistance returns then its that pipe which is blocked, but I doubt it!
Caution with that though - I've snapped the pipe nipple off before :eek:
John :)
Thanks John. Yes, I think you're right. He was just a bit wary of changing a rack that was actually OK. He's seen the car now though. It's a right shed. The power steering fluid is absolutely black, torn rack gaiters boith sides, play in one inner balljoint. He's got enough to warrant changing it at any rate. If that fixes the fault, then fair enough.
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