A. Dogs breakfast

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20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
from the Labour Party who seem to be in a state of confusion over this Brexit caper

In an interview with a German magazine over the weekend Corbyn asserted / said

" we cannot stop it the referendum took place article 50 has been triggered"

But Sir kier Starmer insisted that the Labour
Leadership was fully signed up to the option of a 2nd referendum " Brexit can be stopped"

John Macdonell said

If we can't get an election we will have a people's. Vote on the deal and negotiate a better one

Blimey seems to me these 3 blokes should try and have s chat in s room over beer and sandwiches and agree some type of coherent strategy and attempt to read from the same hymn sheet :LOL:
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This supposed to be the shadow cabinet

The government in waiting ??

Seems the shadow foreign secretary is not on board either ?
" If we don't have an election all options remain on the table and we would campaign for a people's vote "

Perhaps JohnD is in the loop :LOL:
Both parties are afraid of the Brexit numpties whose bark is way worse than their bite.
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One thing is for certain...The UK is a bloody laughing stock!

In years to come a book will be written entitled 'how not to do politics', and the characters are already in place...

And no doubt a favourite at the pub quiz will be 'which country wrote the biggest political/economic/social suicide note in history'?
It's so sweet to see the Quitters joining hands and chanting "We won."

I'm sure they'll soon start boasting about the benefits of Brexit.

If they can think of any.
Germany had its cartharcism post ww2. We have tripped and stumbled our way since trying to redefine ourselves post the ending of our empire. Brexit is our cartharcism, it will finally put an end to the notion that we will ever recreate our empire.

Our decline is complete.
We have tripped and stumbled our way since trying to redefine ourselves post the ending of our empire. Brexit is our cartharcism, it will finally put an end to the notion that we will ever recreate our empire.

What a load of Tosh.

Where have you ever heard or seen this talk of re creating the British Empire? Is it constantly splashed across the tabloids or the the most common discussion in pubs or at dinner parties.

Nah....thought not.

Its just a narrative popular amongst remainers that like to slag off the UK.
One thing is for certain...The UK is a bloody laughing stock!

In years to come a book will be written entitled 'how not to do politics', and the characters are already in place...

And no doubt a favourite at the pub quiz will be 'which country wrote the biggest political/economic/social suicide note in history'?

One thing is for certain, the world is a rapidly changing place..........making your predictions utter carp.

In years to come there will books written 'did remainers ever stop moaning' :ROFLMAO:
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