Anyone got a smart TV?

30 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
Thinking about getting a new smart LED tv and wondered if anyone has got one. Does all the voice command/waving about shyte actually work or is it just a gimmick and in the end you reach for the remote?
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My sister bought one of those "Smart " TV's. Only problem she has with it is nothing to do with the TV , but everything to do with her epilepsy (tis true) I was speaking to her a few days ago and almost fell off my chair laughing as she told me about the TV. ;) ;) ;) ;)
Recently got a samsung 'smart' tv without the camera gizmo...

Normally trying to use a remote to control say the internet is a waste of time.

However, if you have look online you can find models where 'hacks' are available that allow you to connect a wireless keyboard/pad via USB..

I use one like this, and it means the TV is now 'smarter' than it was!

We have the smartest TV you could ever buy -- all I have to do is 'nod off ' in front of it--and when I open my eyes it has changed channel and the remote has suddenly shifted into my Mrs hands. :evil:
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Went for the new 55" Samsung 8000 series LED tv in the end. I've never experienced such a crystal clear picture ever, on Blu Ray it's simply beyond perfect.

The voice and movement commands are a bit gimmicky but we've only had the telly a day so gotta get used to it!

I'd love a Smart tv. Mine is as thick as a brick, still hooked into Eastenders/corrie etc.

Mind you it does scream in pleasure when the six nations arrive!!