Arabs take over London

Ever wish you'd never started something? :( :( :(

For the benefit of anyone who hasn't worked it out, I wasn't having a go at Arabs. I only chose them because they have two things:

(a) A culture that's different to ours.

(b) Loads of money.

To make sense of my original post, you have to read it from a Ukrainian perspective. ;) ;) ;)

Thanks for the explanation, Space Cat. I did suspect and was hoping that was your motive.
But a bit naive though. You should know how the potential BNF/EDL/UKIP supporters on here would react.
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I got your original post and enjoyed it Cat...
Hmm, didn't stop you adding to the urban myths though:
My ex boss who was a member of the ruling family of Sharjah used to clear off to London for Ramadan.... I met him in London for a meeting, couldn't get sense out of him as he was as drunk as a monkey with a blonde tart in tow..

...we have both needed to be as diplomatic as the UN.....Something that is not a natural thing for me to be.....
Then you more than most should appreciate the need to pomote international hamony. That includes inter-culture, inter-faith, etc

So perhaps you could try a little harder in future and desisit from any behaviour that feeds the BNF/EDL supporters' urban myths.
I once sat next to a grey-haired Scot who turned out to be the Export Director of a very well-known whisky manufacturer on a flight back from the Middle East. When I asked him where was his biggest export market he smiled wryly and said "You already know the answer!"

"Saudi?" I ventured?

"Spot on!" was the reply.
That's just an urban myth. Same as all the pot smoking, boozing, letching muslims I've come across in my travels.
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That's just an urban myth. Same as all the pot smoking, boozing, letching muslims I've come across in my travels.

I don't know about pot, but in my experience they are certainly into boozing and letching.
+1 JBR. I've watched young men come out of the Edinburgh Central Mosque on a Friday afternoon and head straight into a local, just round the corner. As for the "pot" ,, isn't everybody and his dog on it these days ?? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
+1 JBR. I've watched young men come out of the Edinburgh Central Mosque on a Friday afternoon and head straight into a local, just round the corner. As for the "pot" ,, isn't everybody and his dog on it these days ?? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Not I. I did try it in my younger days.

Now I can't afford it!
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