Are there different sorts of rape?



Ken Clarke seems to think so.... and i probably agree on that point, inasmuch as a drunken fumble where the girl takes a fellow student home, and they have a kiss and a cuddle, and the niaive student "encourages" the girl to accept a bit more - as opposed to the masked man who breaks in to someone's house with a knife etc...

the two extremes are one woman didn't think she was going to die, whereas the other thinks she might...

Don't get me wrong i think both are heinous crimes, and i, personally am talking about a difference in sentencing of about 5 years, but i think they both should be in jail for at least 30 years....
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No means NO

anything after is rape , added violence makes it worse but its still rape
No means NO

anything after is rape , added violence makes it worse but its ALL still rape
No means NO

anything after is rape , added violence makes it worse but its ALL still rape

yep, see what you mean... so robbery is roberry, but the degree of violence it was dealt with, changes the sentencing?
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Yes of course it does , however the sentencing is way too lax on rape. They should have their.....
No means NO

anything after is rape , added violence makes it worse but its ALL still rape

yep, see what you mean... so robbery is roberry, but the degree of violence it was dealt with, changes the sentencing?
well you take into account the physical damage as well as the emotional

both should carry huge sentences and chemical castration
Isnt it strange how opinions can get raised by a news story? Makes you wonder.
okay, playing devil's advocate, what about an act of sex, where the woman thinks "what have i done sleeping with that tw@t, my hubby will kill me, i'm gonna shout "rape"...
What about it? Have you been sleeping with some one elses missus?
okay, playing devil's advocate, what about an act of sex, where the woman thinks "what have i done sleeping with that t**t, my hubby will kill me, i'm gonna shout "rape"...

That's happened before, and short of hooking a woman up to a lie detector (which I imagine would be an awful experience for a genuine rape victim), there's really not much you can do to prove/disprove whether or not it was rape.

Violent rape should carry a longer sentence; obviously rape is a very traumatic experience, but I imagine having a knife held to your throat at the same time makes it much worse. I can't imagine a worse/lower feeling that being raped, but fearing for your life at the same time must be one of those feelings.
okay, playing devil's advocate, what about an act of sex, where the woman thinks "what have i done sleeping with that t**t, my hubby will kill me, i'm gonna shout "rape"...

That's happened before, and short of hooking a woman up to a lie detector (which I imagine would be an awful experience for a genuine rape victim), there's really not much you can do to prove/disprove whether or not it was rape.

Violent rape should carry a longer sentence; obviously rape is a very traumatic experience, but I imagine having a knife held to your throat at the same time makes it much worse. I can't imagine a worse/lower feeling that being raped, but fearing for your life at the same time must be one of those feelings.

Funnily enough that's what Ken Clarke was on about... and as much i don't like the bloke, he got a proper beating for saying what you just did.... although i agree with you !
Funnily enough that's what Ken Clarke was on about... and as much i don't like the bloke, he got a proper beating for saying what you just did.... although i agree with you !

Miliband obviously had a lot to say, but whoever's in opposition will always jump on anything like this. What's more interesting is the reaction of the lady who had been raped. It took 688 days for the rapist to plead guilty; one can't even begin to imagine what that must have been like for her. However, I can see the logic in encouraging an early admission of guilt. A long, drawn-out process is not what anybody wants.
Ken Clarke is a fat idiot that has never experienced life.

I've had a one night stand, and a little in, was OK, but full penetration 'hurt her', so she said no, but was normal sex, for my experience. So withdrew. She was up for it all night...but at the moment..none.
There are no degrees of rape. Rape is rape is rape.

As such sentancing must start with a minimum custodial period. That period then gets extended based on the individual circumstances.
Wasnt that what Clark was trying to say but worded it wrongly? I heard the interview on the radio last night at work but wasnt paying too much attention to it.
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