Arise Sir Nigel

Should Nigel Farage get a Knighthood?

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His goal in life was to get the UK out of the EU, he has achieved this
Not yet........

You realise civil war/rioting that will ensue if the government is seen to backtrack on this ? The UK voted out, do you need this statement recorded and then playbacked to you on repeat until you get it ?
If the vote had gone the other way I think we would have seen a lot more unrest, I wouldn't go as far as predicting a civil war but the next general election there would have been a lot more people voting for BNP and EDL, it's happening all over Europe now.
His goal in life was to get the UK out of the EU, he has achieved this
Not yet........

You realise civil war/rioting that will ensue if the government is seen to backtrack on this ? The UK voted out, do you need this statement recorded and then playbacked to you on repeat until you get it ?
If the vote had gone the other way I think we would have seen a lot more unrest, I wouldn't go as far as predicting a civil war but the next general election there would have been a lot more people voting for BNP and EDL, it's happening all over Europe now.

The UK electorate are more wised up now. BNP/EDL are too militant and UKIP is seen as the acceptable party for those who want the best for Britain. The government will not risk a UKIP backlash if they do a Brexit U turn.
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If the vote had gone the other way I think we would have seen a lot more unrest
You mean you think the Outists are less respectful of democracy?

H'mmmm, 48-52

You'll remember when Nige thought the outists were going to lose, he specifically said that 48-52 wouldn't be good enough and it should be rerun.
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If the vote had gone the other way I think we would have seen a lot more unrest
You mean you think the Outists are less respectful of democracy?

H'mmmm, 48-52

You'll remember when Nige thought the outists were going to lose, he specifically said that 48-52 wouldn't be good enough and it should be rerun.
Just look what's happening in Europe.
His goal in life was to get the UK out of the EU, he has achieved this
Not yet........

You realise civil war/rioting that will ensue if the government is seen to backtrack on this ? The UK voted out, do you need this statement recorded and then playbacked to you on repeat until you get it ?
If the vote had gone the other way I think we would have seen a lot more unrest, I wouldn't go as far as predicting a civil war but the next general election there would have been a lot more people voting for BNP and EDL, it's happening all over Europe now.

The UK electorate are more wised up now. BNP/EDL are too militant and UKIP is seen as the acceptable party for those who want the best for Britain. The government will not risk a UKIP backlash if they do a Brexit U turn.

I actually think UKIP is the go to party at heart because I'm not a racist person I just don't think we can cope with unfettered immigration and neither do the majority clearly. Despite being sold on the lie we are bad people for not supporting every single migrant that comes our way, I think we should be proud we did so much for so many ethnic minorities for many decades and we should tell the people that tell us we shouldn't be proud to fuk right off. That lie allowed people like Jack Straw to flood the country with as many migrants he could get his hands on which we all worked to support, and for people like Blair to make decisions which involved murdering and destroying peoples families in far off lands diving them into poverty causing them to become migrants which then became another concern/burden for us. Think about time this type of person ****d off right out of politics before the mob is at their door, sadly many of them still line the seats of the Labour party. A party whose sole has been bought, sold and traded so many times by corporate interests it resembles NOTHING of its origin. Like a parasite that feeds off its host from inside out, the apperance remains somewhat the same but the inside is completely destroyed.
Nigel Farage is by far the most successful politician in modern times
Just remind us how UKIP did in the last general election under Farage, lols. He's a joke.

They changed this country's future for the better - not bad for a party with only one MP.

Did pretty well in the Euro elections too.

Farage will go down in history as the man who took on the overbearing, conceited, lying, self-serving establishment and won - against all the odds.
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UKIP did feck all or their sacked frog faced leader. Tory voters got us out of Europe not that failed twonk.
I have to say that Nigel is winning again as this poll clearly shows.
Nigel Farage is by far the most successful politician in modern times
Just remind us how UKIP did in the last general election under Farage, lols. He's a joke.
Let's see any of the usual gobshites, or anyone else on here listen to all the points he made in the above tape and give us their arguments against them.

Go on then, let's hear why he's a joke.
UKIP did feck all or their sacked frog faced leader. Tory voters got us out of Europe not that failed twonk.
I think it was the governments that have been in power for the last few years who have changed so much about the UK for the ordinary folk. Due to cuts and austerity as well as all the media scary headlines about immigration (true or not) I think there was a lot of disheartened people out there feeling like they had nothing left to lose. To borrow something from a comedian I like, there was always hope that things would get better if they voted out. It's too simple to call all those people who voted out as racists and it's incorrect.

I also think that the remainers team were complacent. They did bugger all really to convince people to stay, probably because they thought people wouldn't vote to leave. I know I was very surprised in the morning to hear the result! Done now tho, gotta get on with things :) I wonder what people talked about on here before the EU ref stuff started?!
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UKIP did feck all or their sacked frog faced leader. Tory voters got us out of Europe not that failed twonk.
I think it was the governments that have been in power for the last few years who have changed so much about the UK for the ordinary folk. Due to cuts and austerity as well as all the media scary headlines about immigration (true or not) I think there was a lot of disheartened people out there feeling like they had nothing left to lose. To borrow something from a comedian I like, there was always hope that things would get better if they voted out. It's too simple to call all those people who voted out as racists and it's incorrect.

I also think that the remainers team were complacent. They did bugger all really to convince people to stay, probably because they thought people wouldn't vote to leave. I know I was very surprised in the morning to hear the result! Done now tho, gotta get on with things :) I wonder what people talked about on here before the EU ref stuff started?!
None so surprised as us... The Beloved and I wet to bed that evening feeling pretty down beat though I could honestly say that there wasn't a single thing more that we could have done..
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