ask the trades time for frendship

12 Jul 2004
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United Kingdom
is it not time to work together i love posting on at present 4 forums
ask the trade . diy not. screwfix .and trusted traidsmen. i love [i hope ]to help people as the internet is a big wide world where we all help each other why somtimes are other sites auto censord does it help any one :?: :?: i belive freindship all round can only help every body :) :D :D
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Everybody's talking 'bout Big-allism, Diyism, DIY wisdom, thism ism ism...

All he is saying, is give peace a chance...

i think we all gain by freindship and helping each other providing there is no other agenda
you certainly wont get any s h * t from me i am not childish or selfish i am what what you [dont] see so be happy dont worry :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: ;) theres a song there i think :D :D :D
Is it nothing more sinister than a slant on advertising ?
What sort of agreement is there between Diynot it's advertisers and ?
I do not really know about this, perhaps we may be enlightened ?
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Have to say that novoserv did seem to be pushing their luck with screwfix with the number of posts they put up inviting real men to join novo. Don't know how many ads they posted here

Guess screfix can afford to be more forgiving.They want to advertise their own stuff, but if people are getting answers on how to DIY, I guess that is what they are most interested in. Free customer helpline.

Interestingly, as a result of this spat I have now placed my first post ever on ATT

The War in Heaven goes on.
not sure about the ins and outs of screwfix "advertising" ill ask coggy dewy and ss and see what they say ;)
There is nothing sinister going on!!

Originally we had supplier/tradespeople advertsing on, we thought it would be useful to separate the existance of the adverting from DIYnot and so our sister company extura was born.

The idea behind extura was that the adverts could be seen on more sites that, any site that signed up to extura, could show adverts in exchange for commission on adverts they sold.

just done a web search[google]put in
got two plugs for
and two plugs for diy not good value for money then :D :D ;)
On the contrary my friend,

During October 04 the extura system received 125,000 unique searches from users looking for tradespeople/suppliers, and so far this month it is already over 130,000.

I'd say that is very good value for money, with a years worth of advertising starting from £20. :D

If I search for sites that contain I get 248,000 results and for I get 46,700 results, so I'm not sure what you're doing wrong??
i only got 7 results and you had the monopoly of the page [4]
so i was impressed i just lifted it from pipmes post :?:
If you click this link you will see that there are 46,800 pages.
yep spot on 46800000 +
mine is aol powerd by google somtimes i get thousands sometimes 7 :?:

was looking for extra dots or missspelling or something to give me different results

i was in no way trying to be derogatry [what ever that means] i was actualy impressed more than 50% :D :D :D ;)
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