Bay Pole Covers not clipping in as designed.

15 Dec 2011
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United Kingdom
We had a bay window replaced from wood to upvc. We noticed the bay pole covers did not clip in as designed on both sides. We've asked the company several times to explain why and for one reason and another we haven't received answer yet (still waiting).

They proceeded to glue them on centrally so they look ok visually now.

The bay poles are installed and we understand the covers are cosmetic - but we want to understand what they did wrong that they don't clip in?

ie. if the cover is clipped in it doesn't cover the whole angle. One side is a few millimetres off. They should clip in central to the both window frames and over lap each frame evenly.

Can someone explain what the fitter did wrong and/or if there is something not quite right the window frame so we can verify the answer they give, if they give one. If they dont we will escalate it.

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Well without photos I would guess the angle between the two adjoining frames each side of the bay pole exceeds the coverage the covers are designed for, this could also be the reason they keep popping off because they've been pushed on too far in order for the cover to splay outwards, as I say just a guess. What make of profile is it?
I will upload photos shortly.

My guess is the frames are not wide enough so the coupling between the frames has been stretched on one side so the prongs for the cover are no longer technically central and therefore the cover sits to one side. So for the cover to sit correctly is it glued into the correct position.

The main issue being they mis-measured the window in some way. Therefore 'short changed' us.

The angles are correct but the frame are alittle small, maybe 15mm?


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Some pics before it was finished and some with the bay pole covers attached before they were re-done and glued centrally.

You can see on side doesn't quite catch the frame so now that I think about it more (wish I had months ago) it's highly likely the width of the frames.

Unless someone can educate me further?
Not so much small but I think the right frame wanted to go slightly further left and the left frame further left, effectively both frames shuffling left clockwise, certainly looking at the last photo it looks that way and I refer back to my first thought in my first post, I think the angle has exceeded the parameters of that particular cover

Your saying the left frame is too short, but it can't be if it's touching the aluminium bay adapter
FYI, they added 15mm add-on pieces to both the ends touching the wall otherwise the gap would have been too big. And a 15mm add-on to the top but thats not part of this discussion.

Left frame too short or front frame too short..? I say this because has the aluminium bay adapter or coupling been bent slightly so it meets the left frame and right frames...?

I dont know to be honest and I can't dismantle anything so have to go by pictures I took at the time.

The inside looks 'normal' and the internal angles match the lounge bay window below so I'm thinking the aluminium coupling has been bent slightly to meet the each side frame.

Had the front frame been longer or both sides been longer the coupling would NOT be stretched and the cover would clip in the centre and sit evenly on the side and front unlike the pictures.

What do you think? I appreciate you thinking this through.

Also, they have never given a clear answer and that suggests they dont want to admit the frames are 20mm (?) to short and would have meant them re-ordering the whole window maybe? and or compensating us?

(more than 20mm as they had to put add-ons on so maybe 35mm)
Maybe it would have been better with window widgets 90 degree pole covers instead of those variable angle covers
Its about whether the company got the window size wrong or what was the mistake that led them to have to glue to covers on afterwards.
I'm guessing all that silicone is trying to hold the cover on? Is that screws I can see behind the silicone? If so very possible that they are in the way of the plastic being able to be clipped on. I may well be barking up the wrong tree though lol

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